Business Blogging and The Power of Marketing Online

Why use blogging for website marketing

There is no doubt that blogging is today a popular marketing channel for many businesses. But despite this, many people still associate blogging with probloggers – those who build blogs with the principal purpose of making money with them.

However, we must understand that blogs are versatile instruments that can be employed in your business marketing. Even if you are not a professional blogger (problogger) you can still use a blog to market your home business on the net. Your blog can be used as a promotional blog for your home business website.

The truth is that adding a blog to your business website can greatly improve your online successful. A blog will help drive a constant stream of readers/customers to your products offerings. It is a business tool that can help you update your site with informative content that will keep readers coming back for more.

Top 6 Reasons Why Your Business Site Need a Blog

1. A Constant Flow of Fresh Content

Installing a blog on your website gives you the ability to add new content to your website on a regular basis. This helps customers/visitors to develop trust in your product and your knowledge.

If this content is relevant and important to your clients and potential customers it will help to increase the credibility of your business. This will greatly improve your chances of adding these readers as future customers.

Once they have come to have that trust in you because of the free information you're providing for them, you can be sure of future of sales from these people.

2. Improve Your Site's SEO

As a business entrepreneur marketing your products online, getting your web pages on the first page of the search engine result pages (SERPs) is something you wouldn't want to toil with. This is what search engine optimization (SEO) is all about. A blog can really be helpful in this area.

For example, it is a confirmed fact today that ranking high on the search engines requires a constant flow of fresh and good content on your website. Adding a blog to your business website will help you to constantly add a regular supply of fresh optimized content to your site.

Once the search engines decide that the content is good, unique, and relevant to people, your ratings will improve. These higher rankings will translate into more potential customers discovering you on the search engines and ultimately drive up your profits!

3. Ease of Pinging the Search Engines

Another advantage of a blog in regards to the search engines is that a blog helps your business website to stay fresh on the search engine records. This is because blogs are designed with the ability to ping the most popular search engines each time you make a change to your blog – this is especially with WordPress blogs.

This is very helpful as it moves your blog up in the ranks of popular websites. Once this happens your blog would be on the list of sites which viewers will find first when they search. Another traffic generator for your business website.

4. Your Own Customized Media

Having your own blog is like having your own personal media forum. It is like owning your own newspaper, radio or television station. This means you have a place to air your views on general topics of interest and your product/ service.

You don't have to worry about anyone censoring you or twisting your words for your personal gain. This will greatly help in the flow of communication about your products and cut down on time between messages.

Whenever communication is increased, it can be assumed that sales, and therefore profit, can be increased as well.

5. Gain More Insight About Your Market

Using a blog for marketing your business website will help to make you more educated in your field. This is because you will have to spend some time doing a little research to be able to write interesting blog posts.

Showing what you know will help you to promote yourself as an expert and will increase reader/customer trust in you and your product. And in today's economy people will always want to go to the expert for help. So a blog can really be a powerful branding tool.

6. Blogs Provide Free Advertising for Your Business

With the popularity of blogs today they are often picked up by other online and offline media. This means additional press and free advertisement for your business!

Blogs are most times quoted by other blogs, websites, and even in print communication such as newspapers and magazines. Many bloggers have been interviewed on highly rated online media setting them up as experts.This most times is the break through that many bloggers are awaiting for to catapult them into limelight.


Indeed, adding a blog to your business website is something you wouldn't want to miss out on because the gains are enormous.

However, you must be prepared to invest a little time up front to create an attractive site that will grab people's attention. Besides, you must be willing to spend a few hours a day, four or five times a week, to keep the blog updated.

There are a number of ways you can go with blogs, but be sure to use the one that is right for you. Consider your needs and take some time to research your options before making a final selection.

If you have challenges setting up a blog on your website you can click here to get a professional, SEO optimized wordpress blog specially designed for you for FREE!

Have a few other reasons why your business site needs a blog? Share with us in your comments below.

1 Comment
  1. i need more suggestion about blogs.

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