A Belated but Must-Be-Done Announcement of the Top Commentators for the Month of May!

First, I must apologize to every one of you, especially those who are the top commentators for the month of May, for staying away for this past few weeks without a word. I’m really sorry. Though it was meant for good, but I realize that I should have put in a word, at least, to let you know what was happening. I do hope you’ll find a place in your heart to forgive me!

Well, my “sabbatical” was to fix a few things that have been bedeviling this blog for some time now. As you are quite aware I had to pull down the whole structure and set it up again sometime ago.

But unfortunately, since then I have been receiving emails from some of you on how you are finding it difficult in publishing your comments. Besides, I also observed that many of the comments held for moderation are sometimes multiples of the same comment, a clear indication that the comment was posted a number of times. It was to correct this problem therefore that gave rise to my “sabbatical”.

This past couple of weeks I had to once again do some “dismantling” and restructuring trying to figure out what was really wrong. I have tried a couple other themes in trying to pinpoint where the problem is coming from. But so far it does appear that the problem is not with the current theme so I’ve restored it back.

For now I wouldn’t say all is well. What I’m doing right now is still a test. I’ll be grateful therefore if you will report any problems encountered (if there is any) whenever you’re posting your comment. One thing I know is that problems are not meant to break us but to make us stronger. We may be knocked down but we will never accept any knockout! We know where we’re going and therefore nothing will stop us. I believe this problem is here to bring out the best in us.

And so, I must appreciate you for being there for us even when I’ve not posted any article for the past couple of weeks or so, which is unusual. I call on your therefore to keep your comments coming they are a big encouragement.

Top Commentators for the Month of May:

And now, let the drums roll for our top commentators for the past month:

1. Christopher of The TechnologyBloggers.org:

Apparently Christopher is taking the top position for thetop comment may third consecutive month! I truly admire Christopher for his dedication to this blog. He has not only proved to be a reader of this blog but also a friend in that he is always quick to shoot me an email whenever he discovers anything not working the way it should. I have said some good words about technologybloggers.org and why you should join the community of bloggers there. Read that post to know more. But today I want to point you to an article Christopher wrote recently that every blogger should read. It’s about reputation and your blog’s success. You should read it right away.


2. Andrew Walker of YouLoveCoupons.com:

Andrew Walker was able to edge out some other promising contenders for the second position. Some Andrew come on the scene he has shown that his intention is to hit the top. Well, though he couldn't clinch the top position, but he was able to get the second! And what is Andrew offering you. He wants to help you save some money. I'm sure you do your shopping online, right? Of course, who doesn’t these days! Ok, how about saving some money when you do your shopping, great right? If you love that then you should visit http://www.youlovecoupons.com/ today for their Discount Coupon Codes and Promotional Vouchers that will help you save money when you do your online shopping!  I think doing that is a wise decision both as an individual and a business because every dollar saved will turn out to put some more power into your pockets!

We congratulate Christopher and Andrew we look forward to see more of you here. Our gratitude also goes to everyone else. We appreciate your contributions to the success of this top commentators’ rewards package. Accept our warmest thanks!

Please Read This Very Carefully: I’m considering modifying the rules of the game. I will make this known at the end of June. For this reason there will not be any top commentators’ announcement at the end of June. This is (1) to compensate for the lost time in this month and (2) to formerly commence the new commentators’ rewards package in the month of July. Please do bear with me and watch out for the new rules.

Remember, I want you to post your comments and let me know if you still have any problems. And if you think there is anything that can be added to the top commentators’ rules to make the whole experience a fulfilling one for all of us, simply post it in your comments below.

  1. Chadrack you are too kind! Don’t forget new article explaining how Technology Bloggers is so successful is on it’s way on Monday!

    Thanks for the mention, lets see if we can make it 4 months 😉

    BTW, small problem in that CommentLuv is not working :-/

    • @Christopher@Technology Bloggers, You’re welcome Christopher. Looking forward to your new post.

      • @Chadrack, What’s happened!!! Your blog is now nofollow? What’s the point in KeywordLuv? 🙁 :'(

        • @Christopher@Technology Bloggers, Hey you sure of that? Please check again. This blog is still a dofollow blog because the dofollow plugin is implemented. So check again and let me know your findings.

        • @Chadrack, hmmm… it has changed now… must have been a temporary blip with the plugin 😛

          CommentLuv has recently had a major update Chadrack, it dispersed on Technology Blogger too, just go into the plugin settings and activate it again, and it should work 🙂

  2. Congrats to all top commentators. I will wait for the new commentators’ rewards package.

    • @Cheolsu@Myspace Login, Glad to hear that Cheolsu. I’m sure you will love what we have in store for everyone!

  3. Hi Chadrack, thought I’d come over to your blog and see what you got going, seeing as you took the time to comment on my blog!

    Hope everything is ok with the maintenance of WebIncomeJournal now, if you have any questions please let me know and I’ll do my best to help out 🙂

    • @Stuart, Thanks a lot. I truly appreciate the offer to help. I’m still watching the way things are going. Will get back to you if the need arise. And thanks for finding the time to check us out!

  4. Sound good. Interesting article!

  5. I’m still watching the way things are going. Will get back to you if the need arise. And thanks for finding the time to check us out!

  6. Commentators who would Partner up with my channel where on a set day of the Week you or one of the Other commentators will get a video posted on my channel. I have made a partnership with 2 others so i think i need maybe 2/3 more partners for this. It will be alot like MachiminaRespawn. You will make the video post it to a site where i can download it and then i will upload it on my channel.

  7. In other words, should I wish the person happy belated birthday privately or publicly? I wasn’t on facebook the day of the person’s birthday. Should I just say I didn’t log on that day and sorry I missed your b-day? Thanks.

  8. I think that Top Commentators lists, I can see that, from a SEO standpoint, three commentators are doing it right and the rest are doing it wrong. Getting a link on the Top Commentators list offers more SEO benefit than traffic benefits

  9. Hope for January i’ll the winner. 🙂 And i want to consistance of that place. 🙂 Thanks

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