22 Quick Tips That Will Increase Your Website/Blog Ranking And Traffic!

What many people who want to build an online business don’t know is the fact that there are some basic principles when it comes to generating traffic to your website/blog. It doesn’t matter what language the SEO experts may want to use when talking about search engine optimization these basic principles are what really determines your success when it comes to search engine marketing. Most times it’s these seo jargons that scares most of us but that shouldn't be the case.

Below are some quick SEO tips that will push your blog or business website to the top of the search engines for that much coveted traffic. It doesn’t matter what you may have heard, if you’re interested in generating traffic using search engine optimization (seo) tactics, then understanding and implementing the following quick tips will do you a whole lot of good.

1.   Create a site/blog with valuable content, products or services.

2.   Write your content bearing in mind your primary and secondary keywords. Place these keywords  within the first 25 words in your content and evenly distribute them throughout the article.

3.   Research and write your content using the right keywords/phrases in order to attract your target audience.

4.   Use your target keywords in the right fields and references like Title, META tags, Headers, etc.

5.   Keep your site/blog design simple so that your customers can navigate easily between web pages.    This will help them easily find what they want and buy products and services.

6.   Submit each and every page on your site, not just the home page, to the most popular search    engines and directory services. Hire someone to do so, if required. With a wordpress blog you can    easily do this by installing the google sitemap generator plugin.

7.   Keep track of changes in search engine algorithms and processes and accordingly modify your web pages so your search engine ranking remains high. Use online tools and utilities to keep track of how your website is doing.

8.   Monitor your competitors and the top ranked websites to see what they are doing right in the way of design, navigation, content, keywords, etc.

9.   Use your Google Analytics traffic reports and logs from your web hosting company to see where your traffic is coming from. Analyze your visitors' location, source of traffic and the keywords they used to find you and see what you can improve upon.

10.  Make your customer/blog reader’s visit easy. Offer them different options to remember you and       always wanting to visit again. These could be in the form of newsletters, free reports, reduction coupons etc.

11.   Whatever your target market maybe demonstrate your expertise by writing and submitting articles  to article  directories so you are perceived as an expert in that field.

12.   Don’t know what to do? Hire professionals. It’s better and less expensive in the long run to  have a website/blog that helps you achieve your aim than spending your money on a website/blog which no one visits.

13.   Your website/blog should not be a static brochure. Find ways of making it dynamic either by changing the theme from time to time, or installing scripts.

14.   Update your website pages frequently because stagnant sites are dropped by some search engine. If you have a static website, installing a blog on the site is good way of ensuring constant     updating of your site.

15.   If you’re selling a product, allow customers to ‘opt in’ to get discounts and special offers.  Place a link on your site to invite customers to ‘opt in’ to get a monthly newsletter or valuable coupons.

16.   Add a “Book Mark” or “Add this site to your Favorites” script to your website pages.

17.   Add a link ‘Recommend this site to a Friend’ so that the visitor can email your website link, with a prewritten title, “Thought you might be interested in this”, just by clicking on it.

18.   Brand your website/blog so that visitors always know they are on your site. Use consistent colors, logos and slogans and always provide a ‘Contact Us’ link on each page.

19.   Create an ‘Our Policies’ page that clearly defines your philosophy and principles in dealing  with your customers. Also post your privacy policy as well so that clients know they are secure  when they visit your site.

20.   Websites selling products should have a FAQ page which addresses most of the doubts and clarifications about the product or company that are likely to be asked. This helps to resolve most of the customers doubts in their first visit.

21.   Ensure that each page on your website has appropriate titles and keywords so that your customers can find their way back to your site if they lose the book mark.

22.  If you offer a mailing list on your site never spam or send unsolicited emails. Honour the request of those who decides to ‘opt out’ of your mailings.

Ultimately, your webiste/blog should be built with your target audience in mind. As the saying goes, the customer is king! This is not only true in the brink and mortar business world it's also true about businesses online. A website or blog built with only the search engines in mind will only turn out to be failure!

Do you agree with these tips? Let us know which you're applying right now to your online business webiste/blog.

  1. To be very candid I am not very sure I am using any of this tips, maybe the one I considered before is using the keyword I was to rank for in my post title…

    • I understand that what many bloggers are very familiar with when it comes to seo is putting their keywords in the article title. That of course is very important as it carries more weight than other strategies.

  2. But I would have prefer having my keyword in my domain name, though my blogging adventure was started off wrongly but I am find smarter ways to correct that error, so if you want to do proper blogging, keyword research first, then buy the available domain name and offer quality, unique and keyword rich content…

    • Exactly, keywords in the domain name can really be powerful as the search engines uses it to better determine what your site is all about. However, even when you pick the ‘wrong’ name from the onset, you can use plugins to try and correct it some how. Then doing more of keyword research and writing content with those keywords can force the search engines to recognise what you doing!

  3. Create quality content. That’s the surefire way to continually build your following and traffic. When the content is there; they will come. Always.

    • Yeah that’s right Christian. Quality content will always pull in traffic however, never under estimate the power of using keywords in your content. That’s how the search engines classify and file away your content in their database. Thanks for joining the conversation.

  4. Reply
    Delena Silverfox@Coupon Codes February 24, 2011 at 7:42 am

    Hey Chadrack,
    This is all really great advice. Especially submitting your individual pages to search engines; I hadn’t thought of that one.  It makes sense, though.

    • Yeah Delena, submitting your url to the search engines is not enough. You will achieve more results if you submit your individual pages also.

      Never heard of it? Ok, maybe so but if you’re using the wordpress and you have google sitemap generator install then you’re already submitting your individual pages.

  5. Let’s me try some and will report later with these tips.

  6. When you said quick I thought to myself… nah, there are no quick tips to increase traffic, but upon reading the article, it would seem you have proved me wrong!

    I would say about 10 of them are quick, the rest could take some time. I already do most of them, but one or two like “Brand your website/blog” (I don’t really have a brand, creating one could be a good idea…) and “Research and write your content using the right keywords/” (don’t really think about keywords, but I guess it is important!) are new to me, and I am going to try them out!

    Thanks 🙂

    • Oh Chris, must say you got me flat out there! Frankly, saying quick was intentional. I wasn’t trying to make it look that you can easily and quickly create a deluge of traffic with these tips. As we all know there is always some work involved. I simply used the word quick to show that I was not going to go into any details. I was only throwing them out expecting that you can always do some more research and get the details.

      Any way I’m glad you were able to still see that there are a few you need to take some more detail look into. I hope you achieve some thing with them.

      Thanks for joining the conversation.

  7. Reply
    Deepanshu@Crack Entrance Exams March 16, 2011 at 7:46 pm

    nice tips….too bad i have so less time to give to my blog 🙁

  8. Reply
    nick@pinch technology June 11, 2011 at 7:35 pm

    Definitely agree with all this, but also think commerciality is an important part of keyword research. No point (from a business point of view) ranking highly for keywords that just attract window shoppers or people looking for free information. Some software tools use the adwords cost er click as a measure of commercial viability. The OCI from adlabs was quite interesting but seems to have been discontinued.

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