Advertising Your Online Business Offline: Valuable Methods You Mustn’t Overlook!

Should I still use offline methods to advertise my online business?

I've discovered that many of my target audience are still offline, how do I really reach them?

These are many other related questions are some of the ones I have had cause to answer for a few concerned clients in the past couple of years.

Matter of fact is, I’m surprised that some of these business persons have the wrong idea that once your business is online it cannot benefit from or does not need offline advertising in whatever form.

But shouldn’t really be!

When you run an online business, it only makes sense to advertise it online. But just because your company operates over the internet, it doesn't mean that offline advertising methods aren't valuable for you anymore.

It is true that many people overlook the more traditional ways of marketing their business. They assume that things like direct mail and cold calling no longer get results.

But that couldn't be further from the truth…

… In reality, you should be using these methods even for your online business. You can use them to drive more traffic to your website and pick up new clientele.

If you have been wondering how you can really use offline advertising methods to promote your online business, then keep reading.

Effective offline marketing methods for online businesses

Image credid: Elliott Brown

How to Effectively Use Offline Methods for Your Online Business

1. Include URLs and Social Media on Existing Correspondence

If you already send physical items through the post, whether they're letters or products, be sure to include your online information. The same goes for sending emails and making contact with people through other online channels, such as forums.

Include your social media pages and handles and your website address on letters, packaging and other materials. If you have both offline and online sales channels, this method reminds people who buy offline that you have an online presence too.

2.  Put The Benefits Of Print Advertising To Your Advantage

There are lots of clever ways that you can target your audience with your online advertising. But the internet moves quickly, and you have just seconds if that to catch someone's attention.

Print advertising is a slower and more involved way of telling someone about your service. Whereas your online ad could be gone in a second, your direct mail might hang around someone's house for days or even weeks.

People are less likely to ignore something that comes through their letterbox than an unsolicited email.

3. Use Promotional Items

Much like direct mail, if you choose to give people promotional items, they can spend a long time lying around their houses. You can hand them out at events or include them in deliveries, putting your name and online information on a range of items.

Things like pens are useful to everyone and might even end up being passed around from person to person.

4. Take Advantage of Connectivity

Thanks to mobile technology, people are now connected to the internet almost constantly. If they see a website address or a social media handle on a poster or TV advert, they just have to take out their phone and type it in.

So anything offline that serves as a more permanent advert could be spotted by a lot of people, whether they're walking past a billboard or sat on the sofa. They can instantly access your website, mobile app or social media page. And instead of being one of hundreds of split-second ads they see online every day, your offline advertising will be something that leaves more of an impression.


Don't make the mistake of focusing all your marketing online just because you run your business over the internet. More traditional methods are much more tangible and can hold someone's attention longer than a pay per click advert can.

So, which offline advertising methods are you presently using for your online business that is not mentioned in this post? Feel free to share with us in your comments below.

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