Top 4 Common Outsourcing Mistakes You MUST Avoid For Better Results!

Outsourcing is a part of life in the business industry. This is clearly attested to in that it is not restricted to only the big corporations as even the small time business entrepreneurs do it these days.


Because there seems to be not just enough time again to effectively and timely carry out the many tasks and challenges of running a business in our today's fast-paced economy. These days, one of the common business advise you will readily hear is: if you want your firm to produce a quality service while cutting costs, you need an outsourcer.

As much as that is true the fact is, just because you decide to take the plunge doesn’t mean you will reap the rewards. To get the best from your outsourcing spend, you need to tread carefully. This is because there are plenty of mistakes and traps to avoid. In fact, there are so many outsourcing mistakes that many businesses fall foul of them on a daily basis.

But not to worry, in this article I want to share with you the top 4 mistakes you must avoid when you outsource.

So, if you’re ready let’s get started…

Outsourcing mistakes to avoid

#1: Choosing a Bad Partner

It’s not an accident that this is top on the list. It’s actually a BIG mistake that you don’t want to fall into. Now you may be asking:

‘But how do I know that an outsourcer is bad?’

The simple truth is that you don’t know without doing your research. Some will look like the perfect partners until you sign the contract. That isn’t to say that they will take your money and run because these companies are few and far between. Still, they might not be able to perform the tasks they advertise. That is just as problematic as it is a massive waste of time and money.

What you need to do is use comparison sites like 5 Digital Quotes. You can click here for more info, but the gist is that they compare legitimate agencies at your digression.

#2: Going With the Cheap Option

You do want to save money, but you don’t want to lose your identity in the process. That is what will happen if you go for the cheapest option.

The reason some outsourcers are so cheap is that they have limitations. They might lack skill or experience, for example. As a result, they lower the price to lure you in and then hope you make a purchase. You need to watch out for them as they won’t fit your needs. Instead, you need to go with a more expensive option so that you get the deal you want. If you don’t, it will cost you money in the long run.

#3: Dismissing Communication

Communication is more important than ever when you outsource your business tasks. Because they operate off-site, you need to talk on a daily basis. If you don’t, you won’t know what is happening and why. For a business, that is a dangerous path to take as you need micromanage every aspect of the firm.

With a stranger behind the wheel, anything could happen without your blessing. By communicating, you can keep a tight leash on the procedure without having to complete the task internally. Remember that the outsourcer isn’t the client. You are the client, and it is you that has the final decision.

#4: Neglecting the Location

Thanks to the internet, the world is a big place. For the most part, globalization is a wonderful thing for businesses. But, when it comes to outsourcing, it can be a real pain. The reason is that you need expert knowledge. Expert knowledge is a level of knowledge that can help you infiltrate your current market and hit more of your targets. At the minute, that will mean you need local people. Anyone that works half way around the world isn’t a suitable candidate in that respect.

Don’t let globalization fool you into making a bad choice.


There is no doubt that outsourcing some of your business operations will help with your income and profits but, as you learned in this blog article you need to take precaution. Avoid these common outsourcing mistakes and you will get good results from your outsourcing spend.

Over to you: Have you used outsourcers for any of your business tasks? Or are you an outsourcer? Share your experience with us in your comments below.



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