How to Build An Email List Using Covert Pinterest Marketing Tactics!

This post is a continuation of our special series on using Pinterest for building a profitable online business. Recall that why we are focusing on Pinterest is because of the amazing traffic stats about Pinterest traffic as we have seen in the first post.

As a reminder, here’s what we have covered thus far:

1. The power of Pinterest for business – Based on the amazing statistics of Pinterest as against other social media platforms!

2. How to setup a niche blog that works with Pinterest traffic.

3. How to create high converting content that works best with Pinterest traffic and where to get your content ideas.

If you have not read these posts it is advised that you do so!

Now, on to today’s post:

The simple guide to building an email listHow to Skyrocket Your Niche Blog Income

Simply driving traffic from Pinterest and trying to monetize that traffic through Google Adsense, Shop Sense, CPA offers, etc is scooping only a fraction of what you can make from your efforts. If you desire to fully exploit the goldmine from your niche blog then getting your site visitors into a subscribers’ list is what you want to do. With such a list, you can guide them into a funnel for selling them more products in the future.

Here’s what you need to build a responsive email list

1. An Autoresponder

This is the backbone of your email list management system. There are various options in the market you can use. However, you will need to choose one that is designed to integrate with wordpress, e.g. Aweber, Getresponse and MailChimp.

It is important to note that these are the industry leaders. However, they all come with some form of monthly fees which could add up our over time. The problem is, whether you are making money with your list or not you have to pay these monthly fees!

But there are free options you can use if you are just starting out or you are financially challenged. One that I will readily recommend is MailPoet. I’ve used it for some time and I can say it is really an amazing free alternative to Aweber.  Though there are a few limitations but with a small investment you can easily remove those limitations.

2. A WP Optin Plugin

These are designed to help you integrate your autoresponder with your WordPress blog so that your job of capturing your blog visitor’s email addresses is made easier. Some of the things a WP optin plugin will do for you include the ability of putting up your signup box on the blog’s sidebar, on the footer, at the top or even below every blog post.

With a WP optin plugin you don’t need to know any html nor do you have to mess around with php codes.

While there are various types of WP optin plugins there are two I want to recommend here:

– Hybrid Connect – One great feature of this one is that whenever it detects that your blog visitor is signed into Facebook while browsing your site, it will show them a Facebook connect button. If the visitor clicks on the button they are automatically signed up to your list. They don’t need to input their names and email addresses since these are automatically captured using their Facebook details. Hybrid Connect is really a great way of building your email list.

– Easy Optin Builder – This is the one I’m using on this blog. If you take a look at the bottom of this blog post you will see a button that is designed to show up a sign up box when you click on it. Also on the sidebar is an optin box. All of these were added with Easy Optin Builder. There are other features like adding an optin button at the top and bottom of your blog, a countdown signup box that can be added to your landing page, a slide-in optin box etc.

Easy Optin Builder has many preconfigured templates to choose from. Besides, as the name suggest, building your optin boxes and landing pages is a breeze and it is built to work with nearly every autoresponder in the market today.

Check it out here.

3. An Irresistible Incentive

Having a first class autoresponder and installing a killer optin plugin will amount to nothing if your site visitors are not motivated to join your list. To do this you need an irresistible offer.

If your blog is expertly set up and the content is great simply telling them to sign up for future updates will produce a good number of signups. However, for increased results you need an extra incentive. This could be a special report, an email tutorial or even a personal consultation – as long as it is something that is valuable to your target audience.

4. Relationship Building Through Engagement

Getting subscribers into your email list is only the beginning of the process. To skyrocket your earnings you need to engage and build valuable relationships with them. This way they will be more open to reading your emails and purchasing products and services when you recommend any.

A few ways of doing this is to provide exclusive content in your newsletter. Find out what your subscribers want and give it to them. Encourage your email subscribers to ask questions and provide answers through your newsletter. You can also offer some form of incentives, like cash rewards, to make your subscribers attach more value to your list and also to keep them on the list.

5. Monetize Your List

This is actually the ultimate reason why you want to spend time and energy working on building a relationship with your subscribers. Like we discussed earlier in part 2 of this series, you can also monetize your list through affiliate promotions, CPA offers, or your own products. One other powerful way of making money from your list is through selling solo ads to other advertisers.


Driving targeted traffic from Pinterest for your niche blog and monetizing that traffic is a great way of making money with Pinterest for business. However, if you want to supercharge your earnings, building a list and monetizing that list is simply the guaranteed route to take. It may take time and more effort but your own list of laser targeted traffic like the one from Pinterest is simply a goldmine you don’t want to ignore. Use this guide today and you will see uncommon results with your email list.

So, are you building your email list right now? If not, what are you waiting for?

PART 5: 7 Proven Pinterest Optimization Tactics That Work Wonders!


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