Successful Blogging Real Life Examples and Their Secrets!

Successful Blogging Real Life Examples and Their Secrets!

successful bloggers

With the internet as an indispensable media in the age of technology, there is no information that is out of reach. Young ones use the internet not just for music and games but also for acquiring and sharing information. These days, anyone can start a web log, or blog for short, about any topic under the sun. It can be a private blog which serves as an online journal that only you or close friends can access. Or it can be a public blog where you can post different ideas on a variety of themes.

Blogs allow people from all walks of life to publish their own works online. You get to be a kind of self-proclaimed writer, if you will. If you have a public blog, not only can you practice the art of writing; you also get to share it with everyone. This is exactly what young people can do these days. They can share and influence the world through their writing.

Here are some of the young writers who have made the most popular and influential blogs in cyberspace. Their blogs constantly get backlinks and earn thousands of subscribers.

Dainis Graveris

The 22-year-old Dainis Graveris founded, one of the world’s famous design blogs. The blog began in 2008 and now has over a million visitors every month. It features interesting posts about web design and other related topics geared towards web designers and developers, bloggers and freelancers.

As CEO and Founder, Graveris does a lot of work to keep the blog going together with his team. However, he does not believe he actually works. He learns, enjoys and improves his skills as he spends time on the blog that it does not seem to be work to him.

Taimur Asad was founded in 2008 by Taimur Asad in Pakistan. It is now one of the most authoritative and influential blogs, with over a hundred thousand subscribers and up to ten million views a month. It features news on technology as well as reviews on products and services from Microsoft, Google and Apple. Asad and his team also cover a variety of topics including game consoles and software, and they also develop and review new software and services.

Asad is a web entrepreneur, the founder and CEO of Redmond Pie. A certified professional, certified technology specialist and a student partner for Microsoft, it is apparent that he is a serious industry professional. He has made it his life’s work together with his team to provide the latest in technology and the web to readers around the world.

Syed Balkhi

Founded in 2009 by Syed Balkhi, is a resource site about WordPress geared towards beginners. Everything you need to know about using WordPress is in this community-based blog, with majority of posts being subscriber-requested articles. Apart from his team, they also feature guest authors who contribute to the WPBeginner community.

With over eight years in the industry, Balkhi is an avid WordPress fan with skills in marketing, creative design and SEO. He loves WordPress so much that he began this blog to get people started with it and make use of its many features. Even his 6-year-old brother Zain is on his team working on WordPress, and serves as the team’s inspiration and motivation to work together.

 The Secrets To Their Success

At an early age, they have found out what it is that interests them. As young as they are, they have made their mark in the world. It is not just them, though—anyone can succeed and make money online like they did. Take a moment to see what it is that connects the three bloggers you have just read about, and you will realize what it takes. If they can make it big in blogging, do not lose heart—you can do the same.

1. Passion

It is apparent that all three of the featured bloggers love what they are doing. Remember how Graveris says that working on the blog does not feel like work at all? That is the kind of feeling you will want to have if you start your own blog. Your blog has to be something you are very interested in or passionate about. Find out what you love to do and write about it so you can share it with the world.

2. Drive

Normally if you are writing something you are passionate about, you will also have the drive to continue with it regularly. However, there are times when you are not as inspired to put your thoughts into writing. You have to have the motivation; maintaining a blog is no easy feat. At least keep a quota on the number of posts you need to maintain per week or per month.

3. Team

Successful bloggers eventually find the need to have a team to work with. Later on you will probably realize that you need an editor, a marketing person, or several writers. Whatever human resource you need, it is important to find people who share your passion. It is crucial that you all work together to achieve the goal of sharing your passion with the world.

4. Patience

It will take time to build a name for yourself or for your blog to become popular. Do not expect to be world-famous overnight. It is important to be patient not just with time, but also with people you are working with. Remember that not everything will be smooth-sailing.

5. Feedback

The blogs featured above make use of subscribers’ feedback, comments, opinions and suggestions. 1stwebDesigner asks for readers’ comments and opinions while WPBeginner’s posts are mostly written based on users’ suggestions. Take comments and suggestions from readers as constructive feedback to build on and improve your blog.

If you have not noticed, successful bloggers and their team are from anywhere in the world. It does not matter where you are. The bottom line is if you want to succeed in blogging, you need to love it and work on it.


  1. Your blog has to be something you are very interested in or passionate about. Find out what you love to do and write about it so you can share it with the world. 😛

  2. Some inspiring people there with great stories. One of the most important qualities you need, in my opinion, is relentless determination. It’s not easy building your own business and you need to power on through the hurdles – those are the people that make it

    • @Sandip,

      You’re definitely right. Succeeding with any business takes a whole lot of relentless determination. The road is always a rough one that only the determined can really make it.

  3. Truly inspiring success stories from different people. This should tell us that success is for those who strive for it. Whether you’re young, old, rich, poor, or just anyone, you can succeed as long as you have the determination.

  4. It’s passion that keeps your working on something to achieve your desired result, that’s why people suggest to choose your work upon your interest.

  5. Do this expert bloggers have a tutorial of their own? or an ebook that they compose for starters like me?

  6. The example of these people proves that anyone can achieve success. The key points on the way to success are pointed in this article. Only I would like to add to this list hard work. Because even when you’re tired or out of luck you should continue working hard.

    • @Josh,

      It appears you really mean persistence because it is that which will help you keep on keeping on even when you feel like not going any more. Yes, hard work is important unlike many will want you to believe that making money online can be done without putting in effort. Thanks for the comment.

  7. Very inspiring people, with their age they accomplished to be a great blogger. They can serve as a good example for starters who want to be successful blogger.

  8. I think drive is something bloggers have in the beginning but sometimes they lose that drive while building their following. Keeping that drive is vital to online marketing

  9. Hi there. Thanks for sharing this. It’s a very great example, and just simply motivating!

    • @Andrew Walker,

      i must have passed by this post.. thanks andrew… and you’re welcome.. 🙂

      makes me think too… how come these young people can do it? it pushes me to realizing that in life, some things can put you down and and pin you hard but with the right path, you can achieve greatness…

      • @Kim Maureen Medel-Datumanong,

        Great words there. You may be pushed down but when you refuse to take no for an answer, success will be sure.

  10. thank you everyone for liking this blog. i cannot say more except agree with you on your appreciation.

  11. A blog is a type of website or part of a website. Blogs are usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video.

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