Finally Uncovered: The Hidden Traits Of Millionaire Bloggers!

thumbs upWhen it comes to blogging there are so many names that comes to mind but when we mention folks making millions blogging, the list suddenly shrieks! Frankly, one would not be incorrect if he says you could count them on your fingers! 🙂

But, is it not our dream to live the internet lifestyle? Are you not blogging to make money and achieve your desire for financial freedom?

What will you say about probloggers like David Risley, Darren Rowse, Rob Benwell and Yaro Starak? Are these not some of the names that comes to mind when you talk about those successful bloggers making money blogging online? Are they not the very ones in the news and on every bloggers list as successful bloggers?

Definitely most, if not all, of these successful bloggers, or those we have come to know as probloggers, have gone past the following:

•  Building a list

•  Creating a product

•  Creating their own website, or

•  Generating a deluge of traffic to their websites.

Most of these blogging millionaires have successfully turned their blogs into businesses that generate millions every year. Their blogs are not just the Made For Adsense (MFA) blogs we see every where, though some of them have adsense as a form of monetization for their blogs.

But do you know that though, these qualities are true about these probloggers and that they are visible to everybody in the blogosphere, that there are however some traits that are not so noticeable by everybody?

The truth is, it's those hidden traits that have made these millionaire bloggers to be very successful where other bloggers have failed.


#1 Hidden Traits: Millionaire Bloggers Are Always Learning

Most of these successful bloggers are permanent learners, you will see them attending webinars, conferences, conventions, most times not as speakers but attendees. They always want to learn new things that will give them new ideas to how things are to be done with a new perspective, as well as new insights into how things can be done

#2 Hidden Traits: Millionaire Bloggers Always Ask Questions

These people do not claim to know it all. Most of these successful bloggers know they can’t know it all and they do not pretend about it. That is why they surround themselves with other successful
bloggers. To some of us, it looks like a gang-up against those aspiring to become millionaires like them. It seems they only want to focus on themselves in order to oppress those that are not yet living the internet lifestyle.

#3 Hidden Traits: Millionaire Bloggers Desire More Success.

These successful bloggers are always looking for new challenges, they are always on the look out for more successful bloggers that think like them, who they can partner with. I have met so many bloggers who intend to be millionaires but are running alone. They keep on writing blog posts after another blog post. But that is not the way of these millionaire bloggers. They interact with others so as to learn more. They always want to know what their fellow problogger millionaire has achieved that they are yet to achieve. They are serious about building a community around themselves.

I have decided to lay out these hidden traits of millionaire bloggers as to help all of us move towards our dream, which is, making millions from our online business. So if you're blogging to make money online, study these traits and apply them to your online business. You may just be the next problogger every one will be talking about!

Now over to you. Do you have some or all of these traits? Do you think I have left out some? Let me know in your comments below.

  1. Hi Iroko, thanks for this great article. You’ve just re-assured me of the fact that I’m a millionaire blogger because I’ve everyone of those traits! 🙂

    Ok, I think you should have added “Persistence.” I believe millionaire bloggers all have the spirit of persistence. They never quit no matter the odds against them.

  2. Reply
    Dennis Edell@ Direct Sales Marketing February 2, 2011 at 3:05 pm

    Well, I’m on my way…I ask lots of questions. lol

  3. Reply
    Delena@Natural Parenting February 2, 2011 at 10:27 pm

    Here is one thing I love about this post: The entire time I was reading it, I was nodding my head and thinking to myself that this is exactly the same kind of advice successful entrepreneurs like Robert Kiyosaki and Donald Trump give to their readers.
    Always learn. Be humble and don’t assume you know everything. Surround yourself with like-minded people. Mike Klinger gave me this same advice today when I was asking about affordable ways to learn the material the experts are charging thousands of dollars from clients to teach.
    If you want results that are different from the norm, you have to do things differently!

    • “If you want results that are different from the norm, you have to do things differently!”

      That exactly is what I always aim at doing. As I travel the blogosphere learning what other bloggers are doing the question that’s always on my mind is, how can I add to that? What other ways can that be done? I think with such a mind you can always come out with something innovative.

  4. Iroko:

    Agree 100% with always learning. I think that when people settle for status quo they lose ground. One needs to continue asking questions and seeking answers to take it to the next level.


  5. Whoa! This is interesting…I did not know I was actually speaking for you guys…your comments are welcome…and thank you all for commenting and if you are on your way…you will get there…this comment is for now…personal reply would come very soon…thank you all and if you have not made your contribution, please do…we are all here to learn and admin well done for also encouraged others to make theirs!

  6. Constantly asking questions and being open to learning new things are paramount to success in any andeavour.
    Thanks for sharing these valuable insights. Nice post title too btw Chadrack 😉

    • I quite agree with you Alex, being open minded is something many people don’t have. But without it you’re bound to remain closed to progress.

      Hey Alex, this article is a guest post by Iroko so the compliments should really go to him 🙂

  7. I have always believed in taking immediate action after learning something, that is what really shows that you acquired the knowledge…or what do you think?

  8. Reply
    Iroko@Marketing Tips February 5, 2011 at 6:11 am

    Hey! I think Alex is correct the title is your handy work…not mine? I love the ‘uncovered’ part, thanks

  9. They are always learning and at the same time applying what they’ve learned unlike some folks that just learn 24 hours, never apply a thing and thus never make a dollar :-(.

    • You know Chuks, whenever I come across this like this the bible scripture that comes to my mind is the one that says, it’s not the hearers that are blessed but the doers!

      You can’t be blessed having the benefits just for hearing. If you want the blessings then be a doer!

  10. I think you missed the most important trait of a millionaire blogger. That’s determination. I highly believe that every probloggers are determined to learn new things, determined to be successful and determined to be successful. Without determination, i don’t think they would be a millionaire. Thanks for sharing!

  11. I have noticed the best blogs are creative and use forms of expressing themselves that webmasters of less popular blogs don’t practice. It’s possible that some of the qualities you mentioned stem from bloggers believing in themselves and their ability to achieve anything they want. That quality can really drive a person to success.

    • Believing in yourself is a great driving force indeed. Without it you’ll never have the zeal or will power to push through the confussion.

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