5 Traits of Widely Successful Entrepreneurs You Must Apply in 2015!

Qualities of successful bloggers

So what are your dreams for 2015?  Are you already seeing this year as your year of outstanding success? But how REALLY prepared are you?

Have you noticed that the first week of the year has quickly rolled by, never to be seen again? Yes, that’s minus one!

By now the celebrations of the Christmas and New Year holidays must have given way to the reality that is ahead. This is the time to recognize the fact that what you do starting right at this moment of the year will make a BIG difference to your profit potential this year.

And what other place to start than REALLY seeing your business as a ‘business!'  Yes, doing this will greatly help you lay the right foundations for more profitability in the months ahead.

The truth is, entrepreneurial success does not come on a platter of gold. History indicates that there are some common characteristics of successful entrepreneurs.

To help you with this here are 5 traits of successful people that will you need in your entrepreneurial pursuit this year:

1. Challenge the Status Quo

You may have not noticed but one thing that successful people are good at is: they are never satisfied with the status quo. They are people who will question each and everything to see if there are areas they can improve. They are not conformists. They are always ready to stray from the pack!

If you must set yourself up for success this year therefore you must be ready to challenge the status quo.  You must be ready to set your own standards no matter the cost. Don’t wait for anyone to set the rules for you.

2. Persist No Matter What

Successful people are persistent no matter what the odds are. They understand the importance of keeping at it long enough if they really want to be winners.

But having the mind to stick on till you succeed does not come in a flash. Sometimes success takes years but no matter how long it takes, one thing you should learn to do is to stay the course. Even if you have not seen any good ROI in the past years this could just be your year. Therefore make that decision now to passionately stay committed if you want to turn out a success this year.

3. Provide Solutions

One of my mentors once said, you don’t make money; you earn money!

And it’s the very true. Successful people understand this very well and that is why they set themselves up to be solution providers. They don’t just sell products or services but solutions.

Whatever the field your business is servicing there are problems begging for solutions. This is the time therefore that you should take a critical look at your market again so as to uncover what these problems are. Once you position yourself as a solution provider for this problems and you create the needed value, people will notice and very soon they will flock to you.

4. Be Ready to Work Hard

There is a malady among online marketers. Though it has resulted in many false hopes and dashed dreams yet many have been taken captive by it. 99% of the sales pages out there readily promote it. But you have gotten hooked on this dream then it is time to wake up.

What dream you may ask?

The dream of making millions without lifting a finger! It is unfortunate that many have bought into this dream that even when they have not known how to make a cent online they are already dreaming of flying round the world, lazing it out in some dream beaches doing nothing but raking in millions every week!

Unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way!

I don’t know what your dream is but the question is, how much of your time are you devoting to achieving that dream? Are you spending more hours dreaming or you are investing more productive hours on achieving your dream?

If you truly want to end up among the successful this year then you must do what the successful do, devote time to build and growing your business. It doesn’t matter whether they have managers or visual assistants working for you. The time you devote in building and running your business will determine what you get from it!

5. Play The People’s Game

This is not just about networking!

You must understand this: success is not about what you know and what you can do alone. It is largely about who you know!

It is not about talent. There are a hundred and one talented people out there who are living in penury. To succeed in business you must learn to effectively hone your skills in playing the people game. Build the right connections and JV with the right people.

Your existing customers and potential customers can be great assets when it comes to spreading the word about your products and services. Build the right relationships with them and you will see success where you never expected it. Do your research and target the right audience with your products and services if you want to get the best out from your business.


Success they say leave tracts. This is the time to search out those tracts and follow them. Start with these success traits of entrepreneurs who have gone before you. Indeed there is a new year ahead of you but starting it right is important if you must win.

To your success!

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