How to Grow Your Blog by Building a Team of Super Freelancers

How to grow your blog using a blogging teamJacob Botter

What does it take to build a super responsive blog that spills money for you all the time?

I'm sure you're already picturing those images of “magazine cover girls” and some young “flashy” guy with a red sports car!

But the fact is, if you're taken in by those false images, then you've got another think coming!

Those who have been running a blog for a while definitely know that building a truly successful blog takes patience, persistence and hard work.

The truth is, while starting a blog might be easy turning that blog into a money spinner is not that easy. It doesn’t matter how passionate or enthusiastic you are, there’s a time when you might reach a point where you're not sure where to go next.

Of course, you may have done all you can to post as often as possible and you may have tried different ways of monetizing what you're doing, but the fact is, if you don't know how to keep expanding you will soon reach that point where retrogression sets in.

The question is, how do you ensure that you do not get *stuck* at some point but instead ensure that your blog continues to grow?

Now, one of the ways to keep growing your blog is to find other people to take over some of the work. With a virtual team doing the majority of the day-to-day tasks, you can concentrate on finding other opportunities.

For example, if you don't need to focus on writing content, you can spend your time looking for affiliates and advertising opportunities or building your network.

Unfortunately, building and managing a team of freelancers does not come easy. There are a few things you will need to know and have in place if you must succeed with this.

If therefore, you truly went to learn how to grow your blog through building a team of visual assistants or freelancers, I invite you to read this guide. You're about to uncover simple ways of finding and managing the right people so you can start building your blogging team starting today.

Building and Managing Your Blogging Team

1. Building Your Team

Before you can get anywhere, you need to find the people who can do the job as you want it to be done.

There are a few avenues that you can choose to find people to write content, create graphics and do other tasks for your blog. You can post advertisements on job sites although you should be prepared to sift through a lot of applications.

A popular way of finding freelancers is through word of mouth. Before you do anything else, you can speak to bloggers, writers and other professionals to see if they can recommend anyone. You can also search for people online too since freelancers are likely to have their own websites and online portfolios.

Your last option is to go through a third-party service, who can hook you up with regular content.

Once you've identified the best way to look for new people, you need to make sure that they're right for your blog. You can see their existing work, and perhaps ask them to create a sample or test piece.

You should know what you're looking for on several levels. These include the tone and subject matter of your site, to the dialect you need writers to use and the time zones in which they operate. Set a budget too, but be realistic about it for the quality of work you expect to receive.

2. Managing Your Team

When you've taken a team of writers, graphic or video designers or even admin people on board, you need to manage them effectively. If you have, for example, several writers and a virtual assistant, you all need to be able to communicate effectively.

You can use different methods to stay in touch with each other, from phone systems like the Mitel 5000 from London to instant messaging and email. You should have a centralized communication system that allows both talking and sharing of documents.

The other important thing is being clear about your content and strategy guidelines. If you want your team to work to task, they need to know what you expect of them. That means that everyone should be consistent with the rules and guidelines, so they aren't expected to do things differently from one day to the next. You might want to provide them with guidance documents or templates to refer to.


When you're just starting you may want to do everything by yourself. But if you truly want to build a thriving business with your blog then outsourcing most of the operations the best way to go.

The good news is that growing your blog through building a team of super freelancers don’t have to be difficult if you know what you are doing. In this article I have shared with you some very fundamental tips you can implement even now. Apply them in building your blogging team today and you will experience that joy that comes from freeing up your working hours which in turn results in greater productivity.

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