How to Use Email Marketing for Building Relationships

Learn the simple strategy for using email marketing to build relationships with your clients, prospects and customers for greater success.
How to Use Email Marketing for Building Relationships

In this post I want to continue our series on marketing your home business online using the power of email marketing. In our previous post, we listed some of the reasons why web email marketing is so effective in marketing your business online. In this post our focus will be on how to use email marketing to build relationships with your clients, prospects and customers for greater success.

Every savvy internet marketer knows that one of the most important things you must do to achieve success online is to build a solid relationship with your customers, prospects, clients or subscribers. Building a solid relationship with your prospects is very important because it can make the difference between making a sale and losing it to your competitor.

You'll agree that at the moment marketing online is becoming more and more competitive. As more and more businesses are coming online to take a slice of the cake, it has become imperative that as a business you must find ways to stay ahead of the competition. One of these ways is to build relationships with your prospects.

You see, just like in real life, if I had to choose between a friend who provides a service like car repair and a stranger who offered the same price, I'll choose my friend in less than a heartbeat.

Why? Because I'd rather give HIM my business compared to a total stranger. This is of course a simple way of illustrating the importance of web email marketing. The facelessness of the internet not withstanding people want to do business with those they ?know?. Whatever the type of business you?re running online, building a strong rapport with your subscribers will give you a competitive edge.

Tips on building Rapport with Your Subscribers

One of the best ways to build relationships with your subscriber is to strengthen the rapport between you and your customers.

Here are a few ways to achieve that:

1. Keep in touch with your mailing list often. Don?t mail them only when you need to promote a product.

2. Ask about their needs and concerns. Use questionnaires and get them involved. Ask them what they want you to provide for them to help them with their Internet marketing business.

3. Send them gifts sometimes. It could be in the form of free reports, blog templates, graphics or even free membership access!

4. Be personal. Let them see your human side or your personal life. It sure beats dry, stale E-mails that talk about product launches all day.

5. Be educational. When you impart something of value to your subscribers, they will see you as a teacher and listen to what you say. This will come in handy when you want them to “listen” to you and buy whatever you are selling.

Putting these powerful tips to use will see you growing a stronger bond with your subscribers. And this bond will definitely work to your advantage now or in the future. So do it now if you're not already doing it. Get a system to squeeze your website/blog visitors into your mailing list. Once you've got them into your email list, work on building a bond with them through email marketing and see your profits rise!

  1. Hey Chadrack, Nice tips on email marketing. I must agree to what you said above. I would also like to add that one should use a professional copywriter to increase the email open rate and click through rate.

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