Why Email Marketing: 6 Reasons To Invest In Email Marketing In 2013!

Why Email Marketing still hold sway when many thougth otherwise

A few years ago many marketing pundits referred to email marketing as a dying internet marketing strategy. They predicted email marketing to fade out in a matter of years!

But it is surprising that we are now in 2013 and instead of fading out email marketing has remained a strong force in doing business online. In fact, it is now predicted to be one of the biggest online sales drivers.

The advent of social media marketing (another big one for building relationships online) could not in any way stop it. Bloggers who a few years ago considered it anathema have now become the biggest advocates of building email contact lists for relationship building and effective marketing!

Looking at all of these, the question one will want to ask is, why is email marketing so valuable in marketing online that it has defied every prediction and remained  a force to reckon with online?

Why, despite the increase of email spam (one of the biggest problems of email marketing), marketers have continued to levitate towards using email marketing for online businesses?

Why Email Marketing Has Defied The Pundits’ Word!

1.    Easier Leveraging Ability

Email marketing gives the easiest way to leverage on the power of the internet. I’m sure you know one of the reasons for using the internet for business is the ability to reach a large number of your target audience in a cost-effective, quick and easy way.

Now, email marketing gives you just that power. With email marketing you simply need to compose an email targeted at the reader and her needs, customize it with the necessary tags (first name or last name, etc), and then click the broadcast button to reach thousands of people instantly!

Nothing can be this easier and if you truly want to reach the millions of online buyers and prospects then making use of email is something you want to consider.

2.    Scalability

If you have been involved in an offline business you will understand that the more customers you have, the busier you become. However, in email marketing, it is much easier because regardless of the size of your mailing list, whether it is 100 or 10,000, all you need to do is click broadcast and everyone on the list gets notified! You don’t really need any extra effort to reach more prospects. Big or small, it all takes the same effort!

Why email marketing3.    Highly Targeted

Another reason why email marketing has remained highly effective at getting sales and therefore has refused to bow to the negative predictions is the fact that the recipients get a kind of “in your face” marketing promotion. With email, you are marketing directly to the customer through their PERSONAL mailbox. Not only will you grab their attention firmly, they will tend to respond with the right buyers mindset because they are marketed to directly, unlike other advertising where the buyer might not be in the frame of mind to buy things.

4.    Personal Marketing In Action

With autoresponders you can customize your email marketing message in such a way that it allows you to connect with the subscriber individually. This is really a big plus for email marketing because the more personalized your email, the better the result because it comes like a message from a friend.

5.    Automation Made Easy

There’s nothing that online marketers love more than the ability to automate things. Frankly! Just take a look around you. We want to automate our content creation. We want to automate traffic generation. Even social media interactions which are supposed to be interpersonal relationships are being automated!

Now, there is no other area where automation is really much easier and better than email marketing. With an autoresponder, you can time your emails to enable you build a really intimate relationship with every new opt-in subscriber! You can decide, for every new opt-in subscriber, what to send, when to send it to them and the frequency between each email.

6.    A Good Pre-Selling Strategy

Whatever you are selling online you know the importance of preselling, especially if you are an affiliate marketer.  With email you will not only be able to build a relationship with your subscribers but also presell them and lead them to your blog, sales letter or website (or affiliate product site as the case may be) to check out what you have to offer. Of course, with the email you are able to set them in the right frame of mind before they evaluate what you have to offer them.

You Need Email Marketing No Matter Your Online Business

Now, can you see why email marketing has remained central in marketing online? If you are not implementing email marketing in your online business, you’re definitely losing out. Whether you are a blogger or a web entrepreneur, one of the good decisions you can make for your business this year is to have a system to build an email list.

In subsequent posts I’ll be delving deeper into this subject. Some of the topics we’ll be dealing with will include how to set up your autoresponder to build fruitful relationships with your prospects and customers, the etiquette and effective strategies of email marketing in a socially connected internet and of course, how to integrate email into your blogging and social media marketing strategies.

I know you don’t want to miss any of these posts because the purpose is to help you boost your online profits. But you may not be able to follow these updates if you are not signed up for my free update newsletter. I therefore ask you get your free signature in the box below.

It’s Your Turn: That’s it from me for now. Share your thoughts and opinion on this subject in your comment below. Do you consider email marketing as ideal for bloggers? Do you think it is a good online marketing investment? Over to you!

Photo credits: Flickr.com

  1. Well done my Chairman,
    You’ve just written another great post as always.

    Email marketing is really a good way to reach out to your audience if done very well. I believe that its not just about building a huge list, its about knowing how to build trust and maintain your list.

    But the issue is that most people are just abusing the whole thing, I’m even afraid of optin in to peoples list these days due to how aggressive in marketing they use to be, always forcing their junk down our throat.

    They always see their list as there money making machine forgetting that we all are human.

    My point is that email marketing is very good if done with respect.

    Thanks for sharing man.

    • @Theodore Nwangene,

      That really is the problem of email marketing. From the beginning it has always been that way. You must remember that it is carried over from the days of direct marketing. The list was mainly a marketing tool and nothing else. In those days mailing out to a list was not about building relationships but for the purpose of selling some thing and this is what they have taken into this age of the internet.

      Personally, I was subscribed to different lists but one of the things I am doing right now is unsubscribing from everyone that have not added any value to my life and business. But even with that I must say there are many that I have learned from.

      So, the wisdom is being able to decide if a list will be useful to you or not. Don’t just subscribe because the person behind the list is a big name. Many of them are in it for the business of selling those list. That is why you sometimes start getting emails from someone you never remember subscribing to. Most of those giveaways where they do nothing but collect your email address are worst. The simple word here is, be careful.

      Thanks for the comment.

  2. I always take what people say with a pinch of salt. That is, when they predict an effective system will die off. I knew when everyone and their dog was saying that email marketing would soon pass away and that social networks would take over. But guess what? The opposite is the case.

    Given a choice, I’d pick an email subscriber over and above a Twitter follower, Facebook fan or even a blog reader. Why? Once someone gives you access to their emails you can make them your Twitter follower, Facebook fan, blog reader, customer, affiliate and whatever else you have the skills to achieve.

    • @Chimezirim Odimba,

      Another great point, Chimezirim. I must say I was fooled at the time but now I really see the power of email marketing. The difference is clear.

      Thanks for this insight.

  3. I don’t believe at all that email marketing is a dying marketing strategy. It’s as effective today as it was at the time when social networks didn’t exist yet. I agree with what you mentioned that it’s highly targeted and allows you to be personal and that’s always an advantage when dealing with potential customers.

    • @Felix Lee,

      Well, I think it’s now more easier for many to really believe that email is not dead because content marketers are now pushing it to be one of the tactics you must use if you want to succeed as a content marketer.

      Thanks for the comment.

  4. It’s great that I came across a post like this, because I believe in the potential of email marketing too. Though some companies really make it aggressive and annoying, it can be effective if we use it right. It’s hard even to imagine the audience that is more interested in our services than our subscribers. That’s why we should maintain an emotional bond with them via emails and use every opportunity to remoind them of our amazing services. It’s possible that they’re just looking for something we’re selling.

    • @Jack Milgram,

      You really captured it the right way. When someone willing opt into your list it is clear that such a person is interested in what you are offering. Such a person is more open to becoming a customer than the one who simply took a look at your site and went away.

      The actual problem why many thought email marketing was going away was that of this aggressive and annoying email promotions. Of course, many are still doing it today but if we want to succeed with it, we just need to learn the right things.

      Thanks for airing your views on this.

  5. Email marketing if correctly used can do wonders..It also takes marginally less effort compared to other forms of marketing to yield the same results..I think the key is to decide the frequency..what time to send..the copy etc.

    • @Joe Hart,

      You made a valid point there. In these days when we are bombarded with so much information of every side, knowing when to send your email messages is important. Post too often and you risk too many unsubcriptions. Post too less and you risk your subscribers forgetting about you.

  6. I have just read another article about Internet email marketing and its better efficiency in b2b sphere rather than in b2c.

    • @Katerina,

      Well, I cannot really say if that is true but from experience it does appear that clients that are targeted in b2b settings are more in the know about email marketing and therefore better equipped to handle issues with maturity. That not withstanding, with more people getting involved in buying stuff online, b2c customers will readily be open to email marketing.

      Thanks for the comment.

  7. I think that email marketing is the most effective marketing strategy in all. Because here we directly targets the customers of the same field. If somebody is interested then he will directly contact us.

  8. […] choice for businesses where marketing is a primary focus. Its integration with HubSpot's CRM, email marketing, and automation tools allows companies to streamline their marketing efforts, making it easier to […]

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