4 Essential Tips to Keep Your Staff Happier and More Productive At Work!

Running a business is both fun and challenging, especially if your business has grown for you to have a staff to help out. As a business entrepreneur you must understand that how you handle this human resource of your business will determine to a great extent the future growth of your business.

While you may be tempted to look at the staff as just another resource to make your money it is important to note that the staff is the most valuable asset to your business. Your team of employees is the key to driving your company forward, and it’s imperative that you appreciate their role in the venture.

A happy employee is a more productive one. Therefore, the benefits are just as rewarding for you as they are for your staff. Keeping staff morale at a high level is one of the most important roles that any boss can take on, and it could have a huge say on how successful the business is.

Now, it must be made clear that it is not really easy to make someone happy since happiness is, inherently something that comes from the inside of you. To be happy one has to make the decision himself. However, putting a few things in place so that the working place is not stressful will greatly help in putting the worker in the right frame of mind to make that decision.

So, that being said, here are a few tips that will ensure you put that smile on the faces of your staff and of course, yours!

Motivate your staff and make them happier

1. Pay

Let’s not kid ourselves; the primary motive for your employees is money. If you want to keep them happy, you must be sure to pay them well. And on time, too.

As the boss, you’ve got enough on your plate as it is. Embracing professional payroll services is a great way to ensure that your staffs are paid promptly. It also saves you from many wasted hours too, which ultimately, allows you to concentrate on making more money.

If your staffs have got money to enjoy themselves at the end of the working week/month, they’ll be a lot happier. No employee wants to waste their spare time chasing missed payments.

2. Remote Working

By now, you will have heard about the term cloud computing. These facilities can increase office productivity and reduce overheads. One of the greatest benefits, though, is that it promotes remote work.

Your staffs have lives outside of work. A child’s illness, for example, can throw a spanner into the works. With cloud computing, they can access stored data from home. For you, it removes the threat of workflow taking a hit. Meanwhile, your empathy will go a long way to building a stronger relationship with the employee.

As previously mentioned, this is hardly the only benefit of embracing the cloud. But it is a factor that shouldn’t be ignored.

3. Outsource

Allowing remote work from your permanent staff isn't the only way to use the internet to your advantage. You can also utilize it to have specific tasks completed through outsourcing.

Freelancing is a growing online trend, and there are thousands of skilled people ready to take on your odd jobs. This could mean redesigning your website or knocking up a few spreadsheets. Whatever the task, using freelancers can help keep costs down as you won’t need specialist equipment.

Meanwhile, it makes it easier for you to manage your physical staff.

4. Be A Boss First, And A Friend Second

Your staffs are employed to make you money, and that hierarchy needs to be present. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t become a great boss by encouraging positive relationships.

Offering staff perks will get them on your side. However, just being there for your team will make a huge difference. You don’t want personal talk to get in the way of work. But showing that you care can help them greatly, especially in tough moments.

Moreover, you can show them the potential for career growth to keep them motivated. After all, your employees will have ambitions to climb the career ladder too.


Having a successful business is the dream of every true entrepreneur. To actualize this you need the help of employees. Hiring a staff for your business is not just a thing of convention; it’s an investment that should produce the desired result. How you treat the staff will determine their productivity. Use the above tips as a guide and you will be able to motivate them for greater productivity.

  1. Hi Chadrack,

    Remote working is a good moral booster for me,

    I like your tips.



  2. Super page, good information. Great Website !
    thank you

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