How To Optimize Your Email Marketing Campaigns To Be Mobile-Friendly!

Mobile Email Marketing Tips
A silent revolution is going on in the marketing circles, with mobile (or better still smartphones) at the center of it all! Radicati Group recently published a report indicating that worldwide the number of email accounts are expected to increase from 3.3 billion accounts to over 4.3 billion by 2016. The reported also indicated that about 730 million of these email accounts access email via mobile or tablet devices!

Some other reports shows that in the first half of 2013 alone about 52% of emails were opened on mobile devices and of the about $61.8 billion of U.S. retail ecommerce holiday sales expected this year, transactions on mobile devices are expected to reach a record 16 percent!

This is indeed a green light for email marketers to think of adopting mobile email marketing as an urgent need.

But unfortunately, not many marketers are optimizing their email marketing campaigns for mobile devices as reported by eConsultancy. According their recent release only about 25% of marketers are presently taking advantage of the mobile revolution!

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The question that begs answer is why leave money on the table when you can easily mobile-ize your email marketing with a few changes? Why isolate more than half of your target audience who are using mobile devices?

I personally think it is a suicidal mission to ignore this super connected shoppers. And so, here are a few ideas to get you started on your mobile email marketing adoption.

5 Simple Ideas For Mobile Email Marketing Adoption:

1. Redesign Your Emails for mobile Users

One of the very first things you must consider to effectively reach out to mobile users is your email design. Since mobile devices have smaller screens than desktops, designing your email templates to take care of the small screen is simply the ideal thing. One of the simple solutions to consider is using a responsive design. With this type of design your target audience can easily read your emails both on their mobile devices and on their desktops without you doing any other thing after setup. The good news is that many autoresponder services have incorporated responsive email design into their services.

2. Use Short And Enticing Content

Of course, when marketing through email keeping content within reasonable length is essential. But this is doubly so when you’re optimizing for mobile devices. With smaller screens and an “on-the-go” mentality of mobile users you must put more emphasis on shorter but effective email content. Have a clear picture of who your audience is and what they want and succinctly package your email message to hit hard without taking much space. Avoid any fluff as trying to market to mobile users with long content will definitely generate some negative outcome.

3. Use Readable Font Size

For readability, the font used for email to be read in mobile devices should be larger than the font used for desktops. Some industry experts advocate using HTML to control the font sizes. This way the email copy would be presented at 12 pixels for desktop users and 14 pixels for the mobile users. Others however recommend using text as images in the content but in using this it is important that the font size used within the image is a size that is readable on mobile devices. However, these issues are taken care of you’re using a responsive design.

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4. Use An Un-Obstructive Navigation

As mentioned earlier mobile devices have smaller screens than desktops and making the best use of the small space available is very important. Now, it is common knowledge that consumers do not fancy the idea of scrolling websites. Understanding this you should move your most important content to the top of your email message. One way of doing this is to move the navigation and menu of your email to the bottom of the page instead of putting it at the top as most marketers do. This way your most important content would be well positioned and read early enough.

5. Make Contact Info Readily Accessible

One good thing about smartphones is that users can easily call businesses or access needed information on the go. Making your contact info easily accessible in your email promotions therefore means potential customers can easily get across to you while reading your emails. By using specific mobile apps you can make your phone numbers clickable. If your business has a physical walk in store adding maps to your emails will also make it easy for customers to locate your store – a possibility of more business for you!

It is very clear that adapting to the on-going mobile email marketing revolution is something you can easily adopt and now is the time to do so. Considering the growing number of mobile phone users right now, not optimizing your email marketing campaigns for mobile is simply shortchanging your business. It is therefore time to re-evaluate your email marketing tactics today and make the necessary changes.

Let’s have your views on this post about optimizing your email marketing campaigns for mobile devices. Feel free to post your views in your comments below.

1 Comment
  1. Thanks for the great tips. Very informative post!

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