Credibility Tactics for Email Marketing Success

The past few days have been some hectic ones for me. I've been doing some niche researches for the holiday season and also trying to put some things in place for the coming new year. As a business this is a time to review the year so far and of course do some strategizing for the years ahead. In a later post I may be revealing some of the innovative ideas I will be putting in place for my online business in the coming year. You may just want to watch out!

For now, I want to give you a few tips on making a success of your email making campaigns. One sure thing about email making is building a stronger bond with your customers and prospects. Doing this very well will give you a competitive edge in the market.

Enhance your email marketing the easy way

In this post our focus is on how you can instill stronger credibility in the minds of your prospects. Now, when you browse the net, you will understand that there is so much information out there. The real problem is, who do you believe? Of all the info being pushed at you who do you follow? That is the real problem.

Now your prospects are also asking those same questions. Why do you expect them to follow your advice? How do you prove that what you're offering is the best solution for their problems? Except you're able to do this very well, your prospects are ready to move on, and that is more business for your competitor!

There are of course a few ways you can establish yourself as an authority in your market. Establishing yourself as an authority is simply done online by instilling stronger credibility in the minds of your prospects. It doesn't matter what business you're into the following strategies can be used to instill more credibility in the minds of your prospects.

1. Talk about your experiences online and offline. If you've run an offline business before, use it to establish your credibility as a business builder. If you've been in sales and marketing before, use it to establish your credibility as a copywriter.

2. Show them screen shots of how much money you've made online (or checks you've earned). If you don't have any of these, use photos of well-known marketers you've taken pictures with.

3. Let others tell the story. It would be better to let others sing your praises, especially in the form of testimonials.

4. Use e-courses to build credibility over time. People may not be impressed at the first glance. Sometimes, it takes a few E-mails for people to recognize your capabilities. One of the ways you can build your credibility over time is to write an E-course or a newsletter that will be sent to your subscriber's e-mail over a period of days or weeks. It must be something educational; something that will establish you as an expert on the subject.

You can configure your autoresponder to send an E-course once everyday, every two days or a weekly newsletter. So long as the subscriber reads your educational material over a period of time, you can slowly work your way into the heart of your subscriber and stamp a firm impression in their minds.

e-Mail Marketing Mistakes You Must Avoid At All Costs

If you want to build a solid relationship through E-mails, you must be very careful NOT to commit these E-mail marketing ?sins?:

1. Spamming! Never, ever spam your mailing list. Even though they have given you permission to E-mail them, that doesn't mean that you can send them E-mails and sales pitches on a daily basis. Learn to send E-mails at strategic intervals.

2. Mailing them only when you are selling something. No one wants to be on your list if all you ever do is sell, sell, sell! The reason people join your mailing list is because they want something of value for being on your list. If they fail to see your value, they will unsubscribe even faster than you can say, “opt-out”!

3. Rushing your Emails. When you are doing a promotion, one of the biggest mistakes you can make is that you rush your E-mails to the point that the mistakes are spotted by most of your subscribers. Having too many mistakes in your E-mail will make you look unprofessional. It is quite embarrassing when you spell a person?s name wrongly (the word {first_name} appears instead of the subscriber's real name) or worse? screwing up your affiliate links!

4. Not mailing your list for a long time. The opposite of spamming. If you don't keep in touch with your subscribers for a long time, they will tend to forget who you are. And that will severely damage the relationship between you and your subscriber.

5. Not relating to your subscribers. When every new product launches, there is a tendency to mail your subscribers all the time while forgetting that the product doesn't relate to the subscribers at all. You don?t want to sell cat food to people who don?t own a pet!

Ask any online entrepreneur any day and the answer will be same – building relationships through E-mail marketing is all about trust. The more a person trusts you, the easier it is to get them to do what you want them to do.

If you're doing email marketing, what you should understand is that though it may take a long time to build trust that trust can be shattered overnight. So always put yourself in the shoes of your subscribers and give them as much value as possible and you can be sure of victory all the way with your email marketing!

Over to you: What other tips do you have to build better relationships with your email subscribers? Share with us in your comments below.

  1. Im getting several hundred visitors to my site but having trouble getting people to sign up to my newsletter. I get a lot of spam comments. I post about every other day. Thanks for posting great content on email marketing.

  2. I am definitely interested in email marketing and hope that soon I will be able to get Aweber setup so that I can get some good drip campaigns going. Have you had any experience with how many emails it takes for a lead to convert to a customer? I heard a successful campaign that spanned over 10 emails in a period of 6 months and they had a ton of success. Thanks again for the great post.

  3. Great advice. Like in anything else, extremes are dangerous in e-mail marketing and spamming is as bad as not mailing the list for a long time. Thank you for this awesome list and good luck with your online business. After reading this post, I decided to sign up for your newsletter. Keep in touch

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