5 Amazing Hosting Tools to Analyze Blog Performance for Better Results!

5 Amazing Hosting Tools to Analyze Blog Performance for Better Results!

When you’re running a blog other than Blogspot, for example, WordPress, Joomla or Drupal, then you should be cautious about your web host because the website hosting is a pillar with regards to your blog.

So, there are many amazing tools available on the web that let you watch overall performance of your web hosts. Therefore, today we have a collection of 5 hosting tools to analyze web performance. Take a look!

1. DNSStuff

DNSstuff provides an excellent tool that cost a little fee or is completely free. The firm likewise has other customary and expert tools and the majority of them will get on demo type for some period of time. Some of the cost-free DNS applications are Traceroute, Wake-on LAN, Country IP Range and RFC Lookup etc. They provide totally free trial for customary as well as expert tools. All of it depends upon you if you need to get the benefit or not. However, if you simply want comfort, then a toolset is a superb choice.

2. Netcraft

Netcraft is a data and analytics firm. This particular tool commonly provides all types of data and breakdown within the Internet and virtual private server (VPS) web hosts. They will boast many different services from anti-phishing to firmly web host machine breakdown. An application can display the World Wide Website provider's host important information like rebooting time, IP details along with services operating to the web server. It is usually recommended to always look for the data given on the web pages for realism. Therefore, customer has to generate more analyses from the manufacturer's website a way to further get the most recent update for your tool.

3. YouGetSignal

YouGetSignal possesses a great bunch of beneficial tools for studying a web host. You can also make use of reverse IP domain check to find the other hosted Internet websites, WHOIS lookup to discover the owner of a site, Visual Trace Route to know where a site’s host server is placed and a lot of other beneficial applications overly. YouGetSignal.com provides many resources, so it's probably excellent place to have greater information on a web host.

4. SamSpade

SamSpade provides detail information that appears a great deal like those offered by WHOIS Internet site. With this tool, you'll be able to verify who is organizing a certain website by simply typing in the website name or IP location. The service tool simply not only indicates the web or VPS hosting providers for your particular website that its IP address or website address is typed, even so it permits additional information just like the date of expiration inside the domain, hosting, contact info and name hosts in the website, as well.

5. GeoTool

Geotool is a superb tool that gives you the flexibility of keeping track of where all Internet business (from Amazon to any home based business) has their hosting positioned. Data like information on the city where the server is placed, IP Location, ISP as well as the region of the web server are featured out effortlessly and directly. It is usually quite major information as websites should definitely have their hosts located at the place from where the majority of their traffic is derived from.

What hosting tool do you use to analyze web performance? Please share your views in the comment section.


  1. Maybe those tools can help us in promoting our products. I’m gonna using it to analyze well my performance in the internet marketing. Great post!

  2. @Paul Jackson

    Thanks for your valuable comment.

    • @mohdakthar,

      Hi, glad to see you again. Pardon me for what happened. It appears because your post was the last before the blog experienced the site down problem, all the comments in the post just went off. I hope the article can pick up its strength again.

  3. #Chadrack, Yea..I can understand that.

  4. What is the best site for hosting my own blog?Thanks in advance for your help!

    • @Hen Dos,

      Do you mean the best Webhost or best blogging platform? Which ever of these you meant, the fact is that depending on your need, you may choose any host that best suit what you want to achieve. You can google “best webhost” or “best blogging platform” and then take the time to analyze the results you receive. I think instead of just saying this is the best, when I know that there are various options out there will amount to being dishonest.

  5. I am kind of new to this, I am glad that you have shared a useful tool to enhanced our own blogs. these are the best tools we can use in promoting our products.

    • @Kate Brown Wilson,

      I must agree also that mohdakthar has indeed given us some very useful tools that will help us with our blog performance. I personally have not used most of these tools before, but when mohdakthar did this post, I took sometime to look them up and I’ve included them in my resources file!

      Thanks for joining the conversation.

  6. I am looking forward to using these tools to analyze my blog. Thank you for posting these, I’ve been looking for some tools to pull numbers from my blog and analyze performance.

  7. If you’d like, I could host your blog for you and help you set it up 🙂 We can use WordPress if you’d like, as it is very professional, or a number of other free scripts that are available.

  8. nice discussion about 5 amazing tools because this very informative information for every man.

  9. These hosting tools are really very useful and amazing for analyzing Blog Performance for Better Results!

  10. Thanks for your reply and explanation Chadrack, this is really useful tool to monitor our blogs.

  11. Great post about hosting tools.These hosting tools help a lot to analyze Blog Performance for Better Results!

  12. Do you really think that these tools are actually necessary to the average blogger? Most of these tools sound like they are designed for a person who is more adept at internet marketing than the average blogger.

  13. nice post of hosting tool really helful for my blog and its very nice thanks for sharing this post.

  14. Hi

    Great article is here, thanks for your knowledge sharing, i am new comer of this site. once again i thanks for your hosting tools information.

  15. Good knowledge about hosting tools. All the five Hosting Tools are very helpful to Analyze Blog Performance for Better Results!

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