WordPress SEO Tactics You Don’t Want To Miss!

Wordpress SEO

Like every savvy business entrepreneur a blogger should understand the very important position marketing holds to the success of any business, be it online or offline.

You definitely must have heard it said, Marketing is the soul of every business! That's because marketing is such an important aspect of business success.

It's therefore good business sense if you truly know how to market your business with success. Of course marketing your business involves going where your prospects and customers congregate.

It involves using various marketing strategies and tactics to get your prospects and customers to notice you. Failing to effectively do this is a great risk since you could lose your prospect and customers to your competitors. You definitely don't want that!

Now, one sure thing about marketing is that the β€œplaces” where customers can be found are profoundly different in both online and offline marketing. That is why simply building a state of the art business blog is not enough.

Just as the real world business entrepreneur would put in place strategies and tactics to either make his customers come to him or the other way round, you as an entrepreneur blogger, must find ways of reaching out to your target audience. And the primary method of letting customers know who you are and drawing them to your well designed blog is to connect with them through the search engines such as Yahoo, Google or MSN.

The strategies and tactics employed to connect with your target audience through the search engines is what is known as Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

Search engine optimization uses powerful techniques to ensure that when your customer looks for a business such as yours, they will notice you first. This means when the customer uses the search engines to search for products or services, your business blog/site should come up on the first page of the search engine result pages (SERPs).

One good thing about seo is the fact that you don't have to break the bank to get your customers to notice you. You can actually get your marketing message out there without any monetary cost to you. However, the truth is SEO takes time. It involves investment of talent, skills and most times funds. Nevertheless, it is worth the investment because the outcome can be an internet business presence that brings the kind of success every entrepreneur desires.

I personally consider seo as a very important aspect of making money with blogs. I must confess that all these years I’ve been marketing online I've never used PPC or any other cash-based method to drive traffic to my sites. SEO has always been the backbone and bedrock of my marketing efforts! As I mentioned in a post sometime ago on why you should use search engine optimization to promote your blogs, some of the advantages of seo are:

1. People use the search engines every day for finding information online.

2. It's much easier to get the attention of target audience using the search engines.

3. Search engines produces more targeted and income-generating traffic stream.

4. Your getting found on the search engines is goodwill in the eyes of your prospect.

Of recent I've read a lot of information and misinformation about search engine optimization. As expected most of these are intended by the content creators to promote some seo software, tool or even an ebook.

After reading most of the information about search engine optimization, I've decided on a blog series on this very importance strategy for marketing your blog. In this blog series I'll touch on some personal seo tactics I've been using and many others you can use to dramatically drive traffic to your blog(s).

Indeed, with so much WordPress search engine optimization tactics around the blogosphere you may be wondering why you should listen to me. That is understandable. But as a reader of this blog you definitely will understand that one of the skills I specially put into this blog is my ability to explain complex and difficult online marketing concepts in a way that makes them understandable. Therefore, you'll not want to miss these series.

You can access the whole series below:


  1. I would name your blog the dreamland safadsecy! While Santa knocks at our door just once per year, you blog is open the whole year – wow!

    • @coachmbzq,

      Glad to hear those good words! Encourage us to keep the doors open. If you find us so interesting why not share our posts with your friends? That will really be appreciated! πŸ™‚

  2. Hi Chadrack,

    I agree with you. They must share their knowledge to their friends to expand their group bonding, so if they encounter like this they know how to do it. Thanks for sharing its really helpful.

    • @Fatima,

      Sorry Fatima, but I couldn’t really place your comment with the topic discussed. Is there something I’m missing from your comment?

  3. But Why Chadrack, what is the missing? My link? Sorry for that.

  4. The most important thing to know from this post is that a blogger must awake and use such seo tactics as its all about marketing your stuff by using such various and beneficial ways.

  5. I am going to be honest Chadrack, but I don’t really worry about SEO. I make sure that I link to relevant resources, give images alt tags etc. but I have no real drive to get a good SEO rank.

    My personal belief is that good content can bring you success, and as Technology Bloggers is a PageRank 3 (as of yesterday) now after less than four months, (yep you heard right!) online, I think I must be doing something right!

    Could you spare some time to give me an SEO analysis of why we are doing so well?

    Thanks m8 πŸ™‚
    Christopher – Technology Bloggers Admin Team

    • Hi Christopher,

      Ok, seo is nothing to really worry about but not really doing anything about it is something I hear bloggers talk so much about. Why so? Because many believe the search engines love blogs. Fine!

      There are of course other alternatives to driving traffic and that is what you’re exploring. With other bloggers contributing to the posts and conversation every day you’re sure traffic is always flowing. That always explain the rise in PageRank.

      Now, PageRank is not really the basis for judging how a site is doing. You can google that and check what the experts say about PageRank. The volume of traffic flowing on the Technology Bloggers and the interaction is what is giving that PageRank jump. Of course that is good as some good things can really come from that. Many advertisers still look for PageRank before buying ads!

      But, frankly here is the biggest reason why I encourage seo. Getting ranked on the search engines gives you one of the easiest and cheapest ways of getting traffic that is ready to spend money – most of the times, that is!

      I’m sure you already know that most of the bloggers who read and post comments only do so to promote their blogs. However, someone who search on google with the mind of getting info about a product is doing so for two reasons, either to know more about the product or to spend money! So traffic from search engines are quite different from traffic from blog comments!

      All in all, it depends on what you’re driving at. Do you simply want other bloggers to come around and make you feel good or you will want some prospective money spender find your content now and then? Your decision will determine what you should be doing.

      • @Chadrack, “Now, PageRank is not really the basis for judging how a site is doing.” – this is true…

        Well there we may have our differences Chadrack, I am all for the community feel of running a great blog, and am not really bothered too much by any ad revenue. If it can help me pay the hosting and domain name bills, then that is just a bonus for me πŸ™‚

        • @Christopher,

          Hey, that’s really great. Never really thought you’d simply want a blog as a pet! πŸ™‚ But frankly, that’s really a great mindset to have about making money online. I’ve discovered that many of the big money making blogs out there started out without any thought of making money. But then when the money started coming the focus changed.

          I must confess that I’ve seen TechnologyBloggers as potential big money blog. Even if you do not have that in mind right now, don’t overlook it. Advertisers in the technology market always have an eye for such babies. Trust me on this!

        • @Chadrack, thanks for the financial analysis, it is good to know that it has potential, but so long as the ads pay the domain fees I am not really fussed.

          Our writers can put an ad every one of their articles, so maybe they could make some money πŸ™‚

          BTW, just got back from South Africa, hence the lack of contact I have had with you and the rest of the blogosphere – sorry about that!

        • @Technology Bloggers, glad to see you after so lnog a time! Was really wondering what was going on. Glad to know you took some time off and what more, that you were on our great continent πŸ™‚ Was this your first time? And how did you find the place? Oh, don’t say Africa is great, I know that I just want to know how you feel about the place. πŸ™‚

        • @Chadrack, no, been to Tunisia, so I have kind of seen a lot of variation, but not it all no doubt!

          It’s a really great place, the roads are quiet the weather is warmer, most people are really friendly, the wildlife is fantastically diverse and it has some amazing views!

          Is that how you see it?

  6. It is very difficult that you have to learn about all these steps of SEO . But this is important thing. I’will should be work on it .Thanks for your kind information

  7. SEO takes time. Sometimes you need to wait around 2 to 3 months. For those who are impatient, many people do opt for Paid advertising.

  8. […] its comprehensiveness and accuracy, I analyzed the keyword suggestions for a sample focus keyword, “WordPress SEO” and here's the […]

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