10 Proven Ways to Make Your Website More Productive

Is your website lacking in…something? Does it need a little extra oomph? Maybe it isn’t getting the results you’d envisioned when you built it. Hmm? Don’t you think it would give better results if you can just pull out a few things here and there and then put in some few other things?

There are certain ways you can make your website better. If you went with a professional, this shouldn’t be too much of a problem. However, it isn’t just about the way your website looks; it goes beyond that! It’s also about what goes on behind the scenes. The web development side of things is definitely important. That being said, in this article I want to give you a few tips that will make your website better.

how to make your website more effecitive

10 Simple Techniques to Make Your Website Better

1. Change the Colour Scheme

Something as simple as your website’s colour scheme can make a difference to its success. Your customers may respond differently to different colours. After all, colours can create moods in certain people. Change the colours a little and see if it makes a difference.

2. Pick a New Font

A new font might be easier to read for your audience. There’s nothing worse than a font that can’t be read very well! Your font should also suit the kind of image you’re trying to portray.

3. Play With Your Layout

The layout of your site matters too, so play around with it and see if it makes any difference. Perhaps something isn’t big enough or prominent enough already.

4. Put a Call to Action Above the Fold

All sites need a call to action to tell visitors exactly what they want them to do. Put yours above the fold. It has much more success here, and you should notice a marked difference in your results.

5. Improve Your Navigation

Your navigation should be very simple to understand and use. Get some feedback from visitors and see what they say about it. Can it be improved? How? Make it as simple as possible to understand.

6. Include Relevant Information

Make sure your site has all of the relevant information it needs. You should have more than one way of getting in touch with you on there, as well as relevant information about your cause. Keep it updated too!

7. Use Appropriate Keywords

Appropriate keywords will help your site to rank for relevant search terms. Make sure you’re specific rather than broad so that people who want exactly what you’ve got find you.

8. Clean Up the Design

Clean up your site design to make it less fussy and complicated. White space is important – it gives the visitors eyes a chance to rest and focus. Services like Magento can help with this.

9. Get Rid of Flash

Flash not only looks tacky, it also slows down your load times. A fast loading site is essential to your success!

10. Give it a Personality

The worst thing you can do is have a site with no personality. Give yours a personality to make it more appealing to visitors. Come up with a consistent voice and personality and your users will relate to you much better.


You can easily make your site perform great using these 10 techniques and see how you get on! Any tips of your own that you’d like to share? Leave a comment below!


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