Top 2 SEO Basics: Advice from a Search Engine Marketing Expert!

The subject of search engine optimization (SEO) is one that has become a common feature in nearly every discussion of webmasters, online marketers and web entrepreneurs. In the recent past Google, the colossus of online search, has come up with different algorithm updates that have today so impacted the industry that whenever people talk about SEO the little guy, or those just beginning with SEO are most times lost and confused.

But that shouldn’t really be the case. If you are just getting into the SEO terrain, there is no point in knowing all the advanced SEO tactics when you haven’t covered the very basics. To have a strong and successful SEO campaign, you need to start by completing the necessary basic steps and creating a strong foundation.

Unfortunately, there are still a lot of SEO basics that often neglected by many. In writing this article I got across to John Constantinides, who is in every right, an authority on search engine marketing and optimization, to know some of the SEO basics that people usually overlook when optimizing their online properties.

The following stood out as the 2 top most search engine optimization basics tactics you may have overlooked. Whether you are just beginning with SEO or you are veteran, you will sure learn something from this advice.

Please enjoy!

Web design tricks you should know

Content Is (STILL) Key

The first point to note according to John is, no matter what you do content is still key to succeeding with SEO. You can’t have a successful SEO campaign without strong contents filling your site. Users will come to your site for one thing and one thing only, to get valuable contents. You can promote your products and services as much as you want, but without high quality contents to support them, keeping users returning to the site will simply be too difficult to do.

There are a few characteristics of good, SEO-friendly contents:

• The content needs to be divided into subsections, complete with subheadings. This will allow you to insert important keywords to the headings while at the same time give users a chance to screen through the article and still get something valuable in return.

• Increase the value of your content by offering helpful tips and tricks. Be direct and simply provide users with tips and tricks that they can implement right away. You can, for example, show users how to use your products under different circumstances in order to get the best results.

• Don’t sell your products or services too much. Today’s users want to learn more about the things surrounding the products before making a wise purchase decision. Hard-selling the products, especially with large popup ads and other old-fashioned marketing methods, will only scare them away.

• Stop adding too many keywords to the articles you are posting. This is no longer effective and will only get your site’s search rankings dropped.

Providing Fluid User Interface

This is the second very important issue when it comes to search engine optimization (SEO). Building a website to be as SEO-friendly as it can be involves making it very user-friendly as well. You can’t have a successful SEO campaign when your users move to another site as soon as they landed. To keep the overall user experience fluid, you need to follow these next few basic tips:

• Lightness is everything. A page needs to load quickly for users to be able to enjoy them. You can still use visual elements to make the site look sleek and beautiful, but make sure the site is still light enough to load quickly.

• Most users now use smartphones and mobile devices to access your site. Be sure to provide them with the best mobile viewing experience possible. You can either make the entire site responsive or design a separate mobile-only interface for your users.

• Errors and coding mistakes must be cleaned. Extra lines of codes that are not actually being used – or ones that generate a lot of errors – will slow your page right down and hamper the user experience quite badly.

If you carefully analyze the above points you will discover indeed that, why these may appear to be basics, they are indeed very essential. If you therefore make effort to cover them before you start planning an SEO campaign, you can be sure of success.

So what to do?

Stop getting confused with those advanced SEO tactics. Focus rather on building a good, working site that provides valuable content to visitors and that promotes the products or services it is supposed to sell. Truth is, SEO is as easy as 1-2-3 if you know what you are doing!

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