Mobile SEO: How Much Impact Does Mobile Have On Search Rankings?

It is no longer news that come April 21 2015, Google will begin a major update of their organic search algorithm – an update aimed at making it easier for searchers to find mobile-friendly web pages and sites.

Since Google came out with the announcement concerning this update (something Google rarely does) a whole lot of discussion has been going around on what impact this will have on the business landscape. Of course, for marketers it is expected to be something that will help you to boost your business, if your website is mobile-friendly.

But, who really knows what impact this will have on search rankings?

To gauge marketers’ sentiment and gather opinions on this significant change, gShift conducted a survey of more than 275 digital marketers across a variety of industries including retail, travel and automotive. The survey conducted between March 25 – April 2 had mostly senior level decision makers with titles ranging from Director to CMO as participants.

From the result (shown in the infographic below), it is clear that many industry professionals understand something needs to be done in order to prepare for mobile SEO and many are already preparing for the April 21st change by re-structuring their content marketing strategies.

However, nearly half of these marketers are not measuring the results or gauging the impact to their current search rank data. They never cared to prepare a mobile SEO benchmark report to understand how their site ranks on a desktop versus mobile search now, as well as a scheduled report to see if their mobile SEO ranks change in the weeks following April 21st!

The bottom-line? They are not taking advantage of  data-driven insights which will enable them to navigate the algorithm change and work to ensure they do not lose any valuable traffic for their business.

Here’s the Results of Current State of Mobile SEO Survey:

Mobile SEO and its Impact on Search Rankings

So, do you know what impact mobile SEO will have on search results after the Google mobile update? Share your thoughts with us.

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