6 of the Best Ways to Optimize Your Blog For SEO

Is your blog driving the type of traffic that will make you money?

Of course, as a blogger you will want to drive consistent flow of traffic to your blog. since this is the only way you know that you are conveying your message to the wider world.

But beyond just generating a consistent flow of traffic wouldn't you want to see your blog generating income for you also?

That is where blog SEO comes in.

Fact is, if you want to drive traffic that will help you pay the bills then you should think SEO traffic. This is because organic traffic from the search engines have been proven to be more profitable than any other type of traffic source.

Unfortunately, many bloggers have problems when it comes to optimizing their blogs for SEO. If you are in this group of bloggers then you are in luck because I'm about showing you 6 of the best ways you can optimize your blog for SEO.

So, if you want to truly drive organic traffic that will help you profit from your blog then you will want to read this post very carefully.

You in? Then let's get started with…

Optimizing Your Blog SEO and Profits!

1. Research, Research, Research

Whatever blog you are writing, irrespective of the subject matter, you need to ensure that you are researching keywords. What does your viewership like to see? What are the common search terms? What related keywords can you use to enhance the visibility of your blog? You need to use keywords sparingly for SEO success, but you do need to make sure that you are using them at some point in your piece.

2. Keywords in Your Post

You can use your keywords in a number of ways. Avoid keyword stuffing like the plague. Keep it natural. Make sure that use them in headings or in the introductory sentence. This will ensure that you are maximizing your SEO potential without impairing the quality of your piece.

3. Images

Images are a great way of connecting with people. If you fail to use images, your content may look rather dense. This will switch people off when it comes to reading. Make sure that you use images to enhance the overall appeal of your blog article. Do make sure to add a keyword rich description of the picture that you have used.

Optimizing your blog for SEo

4. Referencing Your Post with Links

You can utilize professional link building services should you wish. Or, you could just simply pepper your text with links to other sites. Mention another blogger. Link back to your social media pages. Make sure that you reference the people that you are quoting. Not only is the ultimate in blogger etiquette, but it also ensures that others will link back to you. Quality links are the name of the game when it comes to SEO.

5. Subscribing is Important

Do you give your readers the chance to subscribe to your blogs? Have an RSS or feed subscription within your site. That way, you don’t have to hunt for followers; they can choose to follow you.  When you deliver fresh new content, you can ensure that the right people are reading it. This is a great way of boosting your SEO potential.

6. Social Media

Social media can be a great way of engaging with people. Even if you have a simple WordPress blog, make sure that you are sharing it on your social media pages. Use the relevant hashtags. Encourage people to share and retweet. Ensure that you are promoting your content in the easiest way possible. This ensures that you get more exposure overall. What’s more, you can schedule your blog to go out at different times of the day using software like Hootsuite. So, you even have to be sat at the computer diligently sharing.

1 Comment
  1. This post was filled with so many good ideas that I saved the entire thing to my hard drive. Thank you so much. I have a bit of work to do.

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