A Noobs Guide to Buying and Registering Domain Names

Are you thinking of having a business or do you already have one?

How about a website for your business? Do you have one already or are you planning to build a website to market your business online?

One fact that most of us have come to accept these days is that everybody should have a website. As much as that sounds rather way out of place but it is the truth nevertheless.

Having a website actually has many advantages. For example, it’s a great way to maintain a consistent online presence, and it helps you keep your ear to the ground. If you run a business or offer a service, it’s even more important to ensure you have your own website. This is the perfect marketing tool.

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Having a website these days is even more powerful than having a CV!

So, no matter the reason you want to come up with, one thing is certain: make sure you have a website. This is something that may well set you apart from the crowd. At the very least it’s going to put you on an even keel.

Guide to buying domain names and webhost

So How Do You Setup A Website?

If you want to set up your own website there’s a lot you’re going to need to think about. You’ll need to consider the design and layout of the site. Then there’s a case of getting the content up and making sure it’s perfect.

But, before any of this the first hurdle you need to overcome is setting up the website. And in order to do this you’re going to need to buy and register your domain name.

This is an essential process, but a lot of people overlook it until it’s too late. So, to help you avoid the pains and struggle associated with this, here’s a newbie guide to buying and registering domain names:

1. Decide on the Name

First things first, you’ve got to decide on your domain name.

Now, this might be your name if it’s a personal website. Or the business name if it’s a business one. But you need to try to make sure you have your company name in there. It’s vital that people are aware of what you do and the services you offer. If you can give a good indicator of this in the domain name, then you’re already off on the right track.

It’s also important to make sure the domain name isn’t too long. So many people fall at this hurdle. If the domain name’s too long people might make mistakes when typing it in. They may also be put off by the length and search for a different domain instead.

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2. Check it’s Available

Once you’ve thought about the kind of name you want for your domain you’ve got to check if it’s available. There’s nothing worse than pushing ahead with a site only to discover the name’s no longer available.

You need to ensure the domain name is free to purchase before you make any concrete decisions or plans. You could check this by typing the domain name into your browser and sifting through the search results. Or you could use a site that acts as a domain name registrar and will have details of all registered sites.

3. Register It!

Once you’ve done this, it’s time to register your domain name. Of course, you’ll need to pay for this. And the payment should cover a year or two to begin with. You might need to renew every year or so. There are plenty of online resources and sites to help you with the registration process. If you live in the UK, you’ll want to get the .co.uk domain name. But, you should also try to go for the .com one too if it’s available.


Okay, if you’ve carefully followed this guide then you now know how to go about securing and registering your domain name. And this is critical because now your website is unique. You have a piece of the internet to call your own. You can start building things from here. But, make sure you renew each year, so you’re not in danger of losing your domain name to someone else.

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