London 2012 Olympics: What Entrepreneurs Can Learn From The Games!

Today, the London 2012 Olympics Games will begin after all these years of preparation. And so, starting today, 27 July until 12 August 2012, the city of London and of course, the whole world, will witness some of the finest and entertaining sporting events.

There is no doubt; the Olympic Games are definitely our modern world’s foremost sports competition. Held every four years, the games feature summer and winter sports, with thousands of athletes and more than 200 nations participating in the games.

London 2012 Olympic Games LogoImage credit: Belle News

The Olympic Games originally began in Olympia, Greece, from the 8th century BC to the 4th century AD. What we have today, governed by the International Olympic Committee (IOC), actually began in 1894 when Baron Pierre de Coubertin founded the IOC. The 2012 Olympics which starts today makes London the first city to officially host the modern Olympic Games three times, having previously done so in 1908 and in 1948.

Now, as athletes from around the world pour into the city of London, one thought that has been in my mind is the lessons we can learn from the games. I don't know about you but I have always admired sportsmen and women not minding the sport. I think there is so much we can learn from them about success especially as entrepreneurs.

Of course, this is really not just about the Olympics but as the games kick off today with people around the world turning their attention to these young men and women, I think it is the right time to share my thoughts on what we can learn from the whole thing.

I know that many will abandon their businesses during this period of the games. Many will turn their attention to their television sets and other forms of media just because they don't want to miss any bit of the action.

But while you want to do this remember they are about their business and you too should be about your business!

London 2012 mascot

Image credit: FourthScource

So, what lessons can you learn from the Olympic Games?

1. Athletes Go To the Olympics to Win

This is very obvious. No one athlete going to the London Olympics is going there without the mind of winning a medal. It doesn't matter the level of his/her performance in the past. There is always the belief there could be improvement. Whether this comes to pass or not is a different thing.

I think this is a great lesson to us as entrepreneurs. It doesn’t matter what form of trial by error tactics and strategies you are implementing in your business, the sure thing is that your business is not a trail by error experiment. You need to go in with all your heart having a firm belief that you will make a success of your business.

Like the Olympic athletes work on your business with the mind to succeed!

2. Athletes Go To the Olympics Well Prepared

preparation is neccesary for business success

Photo credit: DailyBiblePlan

Athletes going to the Olympics are always the best from their various countries. And, for them to be picked to represent their countries, they go through rigorous trainings and preparations. Most times these trainings take years. It is expected that both mentally and physically they should be well prepared.

As an entrepreneur whether online or offline, you cannot afford to go into business without the right mental and physical preparation. I know many online business entrepreneurs, because of the general belief that making money online is simple and you can actually earn in your pajamas, rush in without the right preparation. But this is wrong because without the right preparation, you will only wobble and fumble, floundering in all you do.

It is therefore important that you either get a mentor or design other ways to commit yourself to learning all you can online.

3. Athletes Going To the Olympics Are Temperate In What They Do

usain bolt dumbs girlfriend for olympics

Athletes do not just commit to rigorous training but in doing so, they restrain themselves from a whole lot of things. They keep themselves to a set diet and discipline. They never indulge themselves. Of course, as the games kick off in London these athletes are ready to restrain themselves from the food they normally eat and from the liberties they use on other occasions. It is indeed, a strict lifestyle for them.

May you heard of how Usain Bolt dumped his girlfriend to concentrate on winning gold at the summer Olympics! He did this so that she won’t distract him in the build-up to The Games! This is a good example of what athletes would do to keep their focus on their game.

Now, entrepreneurs too should have the same mind. Strict discipline in every area of life should characterize the life of the entrepreneur. Of course, there are times you will want to indulge yourself with the latest forms of entertainment, but in times like that think of your business.

I did a guest post recently for the Technology Bloggers. The post cautions on our use of technology for business. You will want to read it if you don't want to be obsessed and become mesmerized with our ever changing technologically toys!

The point here is this, be temperate in your use of things.

4. Athletes Going To the Olympics Endure Pains

Self discipline is neccesary for success

Photo credit: Agfbrakpan

Bodily pain is a common phenomenon in every game. If you are not ready to bear the pains then you are not really a sports person. In the years of preparing for the Olympics, many of these athletes experience all manner of bodily pains and sometimes wounds. But in all of this they never give up. In fact, the bodily pains are just part of what makes the victory at the end of the day more enjoyable!

It is not different in business. There are ups and downs but as an entrepreneur who has his/her eyes on tasting the sweetness of success, those painful hitches in your entrepreneurial journey should fire you up for more success.

Let me say here that I passionately believe that what you may be passing through is only testing your ability to stay the course. I have a whole lot of reasons to abandon this blog but something in me has kept me going. For the past couple of years the blog has crashed 3 times. The painful part is that every one of these crashes happened at a time when I have plans to push the blog beyond the level it was before the crash.

But, though those crashes have resulted in starting again at a level below where the blog was before the crash happened (traffic-wise) I’ve always succeeded in pushing it, not just back to where it was, but beyond that level.

These are indeed pains but they cannot stop the journey!

Today, I’m asking you to look at the athletes in London and know that no matter the pains, your victory is sure!

Over to you: Did this post speak to you in any way? Is there any other lesson you can learn from the athletes and the Olympics games that you want to share with us? Go on and share them in your comments.


  1. @chadrack,
    Great job Buddy!Nice comparing.
    It just goes to show that you can really learn valuable lessons on marketing if you just keep your eyes opened.Awesome post..Here is some great information for bloggers and small business owners’s intresting and new.

    • @Bhushan,

      Thanks friend. It’s really good to know the post strike a cord with you. Frankly, everyday my eyes and whole being is open to learn from every situation. I have found it to be a real good thing for me because with this I’ve been able to pick up a lot things from every day life situations. I really do hope that our esteemed readers will put these to use.

      Once again thanks for the comment.

  2. Hey Chadrack,

    We can take from this comparison that the athletes that compete are 110% focused on achieving their goal and obtaining a gold medal.

    The don’t rush into without prep, not do they give up when times are hard and they feel they can not give anymore.

    If we adopted this mindset more people would see the results they work for.

    Enjoyable read bro.

    The games have begun, hope you all watch as much as you can.

    • @Simmeon,

      Absolutely! Take a closer look everyone of them and you will see that this is true. They put off everything that will hinder them make every effort to win the prize.

      This is what I think we as entrepreneurs should learn from them.

  3. Reply
    Liability Insurance July 27, 2012 at 9:32 am

    ooh it’s the day when olympic games start. let’s see which country will dominate…

    • @Liability Insurance, sometimes the winning of the gold medal means nothing in comparison of the win over your weakness and fear. That’s true winning. And I believe that people who present their countries have passe the long and truly hard way to get there, so they are all winners.

    • @Liability Insurance,

      Yea, indeed we look forward to that. But beyond the winning, it’s really about the togetherness that the games bring to the community of nations. I pray that those who are war will cease hostilities and use the this period to negotiate for peace.

  4. @ Simmeon

    The thing is quite right. I think without hard work one cannot reach to the destination.

    “If we adopted this mindset more people would see the results they work for.” I liked this statement but it’s not that easy to follow.

    • @bj,

      It’s really unfortunate that after agreeing that it is the truth you still went on to conclude that it is not easy to follow.

      How do you think these athletes are able to keep to their regular trainings? Do you think it is easy for them? Not at all! What you need is the determination. And instead of saying it is not easy, take a decision and make a declaration that it is the most easiest thing to do. When you do this, your whole being accept it to be so and of course, the unseen forces of the power of your WILL will take over and you will be surprised by what you can accomplish.

  5. Hi dear,

    Thanks for this great post. every one eagerly waiting for their country’s victory. nice photos and article. please update your views regularly about olympics 2012.

  6. Nice comparing, sir. You’ll see that Romania, my country, will get a lot of medals 😀

  7. This article made a lot of sense and it is the high time people realized that nothing comes on a silver plate. You have to work hard and have a plan on how you are going to conduct your online business.

    The notion that make money online is easy should be erased from your mind. Great article.

    • @Stephen Kavita,

      Thanks for the comment. I’m really glad that this post resonate with you. I think that more and more people who really want to make money online are realizing that it is more than what they were told. Of course, many were too dazed that they have parked their load and left. But others, like us, know that the pudding is in the sweat!

  8. I liked the idea of making such parallels between business and Olympic games. You are absolutely right about everything. The only thing I can add is that we shouldn’t wait for some rewards in business only once in 4 uears, as it happens with the Olympic games

    • @Amanda,

      Of course, you can’t be in business for 4 yrs without some reward! The real lessons is that the dept of your preparation will determine the results you get. Thanks for the comment.

  9. Hey Chadrack,

    You are right – we have a lot to learn from them. Just like Athletes, we entrepreneurs need to have a positive outlook – it doesn’t matter whether we have failed in the past, what matters is that we try and we give our best effort into it (of course, we also need to be prepared to face any obstacle, be calm and try to solve the obstacle without any panic).

    Great Analogy, Chad!

    Thank you for the post,

    Jeevan Jacob John

    • @Jeevan Jacob John,

      I’m really glad that the post resonate with you. Even as the games are going on I’m still being impressed by these men and women. It is really a joy seeing them showcasing what they have. I know that as entrepreneurs if we put all of our mind, we also will bask in the euphoria of the same glory! Thanks for the comment.

  10. hi


    Very well done. Great comparison. i am from india. i am hoping this time india will take part in top five countries. Corruption is main evil in india. so we can’t give so much better performance in Olympics.

    • @jackotomaker,

      Well, it’s unfortunate that the issue of corruption is eating deep into the fabric of many nations right now. But that does not mean your athletes cannot do well in the gains. Besides, it’s not really about winning medals, I think the Olympic games is more about the peace and oneness or our world.

      Thanks for the comment.

  11. Reply
    LLB Coaching @ abstain August 2, 2012 at 8:44 am

    Yes, Olympics became talk of town nowadays, Even me also very crazy to watch shooting games.

  12. The Olympic Games is not only an occasion for athletes to show their sporting skills. It is also a good opportunity for people around the world to strengthen mutual understanding and friendship.

    • @junaid,

      That truly is the spirit of the Olympic games. Frankly, some of the news that is coming from the London Olympics shows that many of the participating nations and of course some of the athletes have not really imbibed this spirit. We hope things will change with time.

      Thanks for your comment.

  13. Reply
    create mobile website August 10, 2012 at 10:51 am

    London 2012 have a great opening and the whole world see the live telecast of the sports. But India have not get any gold medal.

  14. The thing is quite right. i think without effort one cannot reach to the destination.

    “If we adopted this mindset more people would see the results they work for.” I liked this statement but it’s not that easy to follow

  15. thanks for this most powerful post. every one eagerly waiting for their country’s victory. nice photos and article. please update your views regularly about olympics 2012.

  16. London Olympics makes the world records for India as they get the total six medals and not even the gold medal. Finally Sushil kumar makes some entertainment.

  17. Hey gud lesson to learn from atheletes. i think many of us just waste our time in only watching them. so try to utilize this time also by learning from it and get the inspiration. not only athelete there are many games from which u can get inspiration..nice work dude..:)

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