Google SEO Ranking Factors – The Complete List [INFOGRAPHIC]

Search traffic has, over the years, been regarded as the best and biggest form of free and targeted organic traffic to any website. But to take advantage of this you will need to know how to SEO-optimize your website and web pages to meet the demands of Google. This is because Google is unarguably the granddaddy of search engine marketing!

Unfortunately, Google is a hard nut to crack when it comes to knowing what you should optimize for. With the mind of keeping their ranking factors secret, Google has never at any time shared what these ranking factors are. However, they have at one time or the pointed out that they use about 200 ranking factors!

But, what do the heck? How you mean Google really expect us to know or to remember every one of those factors if we want to really optimize our web pages?

Of course, it's intimidating but Google is not expecting us to use every one of those search ranking factors before we can make any impact with our search engine optimization strategies. Nevertheless, it pays to know them.

This is why this infographic by Backlinko and Single Grain – two digital marketing firms of repute – is really a useful resource.

This is indeed an all-inclusive infographic. It list and categorizes the 200 factors that make up Google's ranking algorithm. Though Google has never before given a detailed list of what make up its ranking factors, Backlinko and Single Grain have taken their time in scouring the internet to gather this information.

If you are in any way interested in optimizing your website for the search engines then this infographic is definitely a valuable resource for you! To make the best use of it, remember to bookmark it so you can always refer to it later.

Google Search engine ranking factors - the big list!

So, what do you think of this infographic? Are you overwhelmed by the info presented?

  1. nice your site thanks for sharing love you all team good work keep it up

  2. This is a very detailed infographic. I have always believed that bounce rate matters. I have noticed some of my pages with higher bounce rate going down in the ranking in a couple of weeks.

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